So Now That You’re Aware…

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Here we are at the close of April. The end of autism awareness month.

Now you are fully ‘AWARE’ of autism and the magnitude of the crisis that this nation is facing. We are losing a generation.

What will you do? How will you respond? Will you take action?

Tomorrow when you wake up in the month of May autism will still be here.

So will we. So will our children.


Read our Blog and join us daily as we forge forward, hand in hand, into a future full of hope.

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12 Responses to So Now That You’re Aware…

  1. Nisreen says:

    Its touching. Painfull that we are living it every day.

  2. Lots of good videos on vaccines and autism, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue articles. These disorders have many things in common. Check out this book, “Canaries In The Coal Mine” by Elaine Marie Graham. Available at or

  3. Pam Long says:

    My West Point roommate told me to join this group, and I am so inspired by your direct message to parents. I think that is the only strategy that will be effective in this revolution against the formidable pharma, government agencies, and media bias. I am a former US Army Medical Intelligence Officer, and I blog about autism treatment, for our significantly recovered son, age 8. Whatever I have written is yours to use if it will help parents. Please remember our military families who have an even higher autism incidence. I will be following you, and sharing your message. Well done!

  4. Michelle Holmes says:


  5. Autumn Manzo says:

    I love the overall message of the video but I didn’t prefer the strong language that autism ‘rips’ you from all the positive experiences in life. I think autism makes things like communication, friendship and skill requisition more of a challenge, but with loving parents and adults no child with autism has to experience total abandonment. With our chosen treatment program Son-Rise, we have surrounded our son with loving friends in the playroom despite his autism! The goal IS recovery, but embracing the journey and seeing the gifts along the way is the most effective route in my opinion. And no matter how far a child comes, every parent can make their life the best life possible with that intention of love and purpose. Blessings to everyone!!!!

  6. Maurine Meleck says:

    Terrific video. I’ll be forwarding it hither and yon. Thanks, maurine

  7. Sharon says:

    As a teacher and school counselor I always have a sign posted in my room that says

    Unless it is…
    T houghtful
    H onest
    I ntelligent
    N ecessary &
    K ind
    Don’t say it or do it.

    As the mother of 2 boys on the spectrum I’m glad to know some of us are do THINK!

  8. Anne McElroy Dachel says:

    How can anyone watch this, call it “better diagnosing” and then walk away?

    Anne Dachel, Media editor: Age of Autism

  9. Sylvia Fogel says:

    Beautifully done. A powerful emotional approach, combined with valid facts, is needed to wake us all from our slumber. Even those of us struggling with the devastating impact of autism on a day to day basis may still be asleep, under the weight of our ceaseless grief. You remind me that I must find the energy to join up with those around me that understand the magnitude and intensity of the journey to heal a child. Thank you so much for providing me with a link to other like-minded parents. I am floored by each and every blog post and video. Each one reminds me to save a bit of my energy, to direct just a fraction of it away from the daily logistics of healing my son, to the urgent, broader issue at hand. I am humbled by the collective passion, wisdom and education of this group. Thank you. Again and again and again.

  10. Love…

    I always put ‘Autism’ in quotes…because my main message is to the public and to doctors that what is happening to our children is not Autism. We know it is medical, but as long as we keep calling it Autism, it can never be recognized for what it truly is. Our children are sick…so ‘Call it what you want, But don’t Call it Autism’….at my house anyway 🙂

  11. Ren Tags says:

    A+. Very greatful for your tireless efforts. On this last day of April, I can not stomach another blue, whitewashed pile of crap pharma media, pc pile of illusion.

  12. SO well done. As a mother of a an 11 year-old child with autism who is relentlessly pursuing recovery, thank you for this terrific video. I love your blogs and tell everyone about them. Keep it up, and add me to your cadre.

    Viva La Revolution!


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