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“Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark” ~ George Iles I wanted to share with you my Vision of Hope. Hope is something worth holding onto like these hands … Continue reading
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“Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark” ~ George Iles I wanted to share with you my Vision of Hope. Hope is something worth holding onto like these hands … Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
France… I love its cuisine, culture, architecture, fashion. French is my first language and I feel very close to this country, because most of my childhood friends and relatives live there. I’ve frequently been amazed by France’s medical breakthroughs. In 2005, the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
La France … J’ai toujours aimé ce pays pour sa gastronomie, sa culture, son architecture, sa mode. J’ai toujours été épatée par ses découvertes médicales. On se souvient, en 2001, lorsque la première chirurgie à distance fut effectuée avec succès, (invention de Jacques Marescau en collaboration avec Michael Gagner (Etats-Unis). Plus tard, en 2005, la France effectuait avec brio la première transplantation d’un visage; et plus récemment en 2011 les premières hématies artificielles fonctionnelles ont été inventées. Pourtant, il … Continue reading
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Last month, one of my dearest friends offered me a book called “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin: a book about a woman who apparently had everything (a supportive family, a sympathetic husband, healthy kids, a good job, nice friends) but somehow felt … Continue reading
There used to be a time in my former life (pre-motherhood bliss) when the anticipation of a vacation was almost as exciting as the trip itself and preparation revolved around me, myself and I. I took time to meticulously pack … Continue reading