Feb 15, 2012: Goddess here. My child has been classified as a ‘tough nut’ and has been a non-responder to most interventions we’ve tried. And we have tried a LOT of interventions over the last three years, smartly and safely, all under the care of a fabulous doc. A few months ago, we tested his nagalese levels. We have been doing GcMAF for seven weeks because Harry’s nagalese levels are elevated, much like a cancer or AIDS patient, which means he has viruses in his body that he either does not recognize or is unsuccessful at fighting. We have seen a huge leap in cognitive development since we started treatment. His receptive language is exploding. EXPLODING. His auditory processing delay has all but vanished. And at four, he is reading sight words and spelling 3 letter words on the ipad. He can also spell his name. This morning as I was making breakfast I caught Harry very patiently feeding his sister’s baby doll, spoonful after spoonful, from a bowl. He put her other baby in bed, and spent several minutes carefully tucking in the covers. His school reports have been amazing, day after day. We are still waiting for speech, but I know it will come. If not from this, from something else because he desperately wants to communicate with us. We tried so many things that didn’t work…and now are on to a few (CEASE included) that are making an impact. I guess what I wanted to say as I sit here and marvel at my child is NEVER GIVE UP! I am SO glad I didn’t!!
Unlike · · Share · February 15 at 10:25pm
Sue Allen Cranmer wonderful!!February 15 at 10:28pm · Like
Jennifer Hall Young Best feeling ever when things start clicking! So happy for you!February 15 at 10:31pm · Like
Allie Sheffield Pence SO Amazing!! Congratulations! Your child is so very lucky to have YOU!February 15 at 10:39pm · Like
Lisa Strain-Crutcher Wow, just gives every other parent hope!!February 15 at 10:47pm · Like ·
Janice Tabor Miles NEVER give up. NEVER. Our children are worth every struggle, every up and down and swe try everything, every penny spent. And moments like you have described are priceless and bring unimaginable joy that is not taken for granted. So happy for your family!!!February 15 at 11:05pm · Like ·
Donna Schmidt We know if Sebbie gets any sugar, he gets sick, we love Olive leaf extract, and I just keep searching, our new favorite coconut oil, he had a cold sore on his lip and after two days almost goneFebruary 15 at 11:08pm · Like ·
Marianna Babayeva Ilan is a viral kid too. I wonder if getting rid of viruses will help his receptive language…oh and Harry’s expressive language will definitely catch on. We, as SLPs, are always concerned more about receptive language so he’ll get there!February 16 at 1:51am · Like ·
Erin Taplin Woooooooooooooooot!!February 16 at 2:50am · Like
Renée Arseneault Riselli Amazing! So happy for you!February 16 at 3:17am · Like
Rindy Brandt That is beautiful. Only a parent can know a kids true potential. Just because most doctors don’t know how to access it, doesn’t mean its not there.February 16 at 7:49am · Like
Kay Ness How many GC- maf treatments have you done? Where are you getting it? Do you track nagalase levels during treatment or just to start.February 16 at 7:58am · Like
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution Hi Kay–Goddess here. We’ve done 7 so far, and we work with Dr Bradstreet. We are doing another nagalese test at the end of this month–I am very interested to see if the levels have gone down. The first 10 days or so we saw all kinds of (detox) rashes, followed by gain after gain. We plan to continue to 16, but will evaluate as we go.February 16 at 9:48am · Like ·
Kay Ness Thanks for the info – I’m watching this for the families that I work with…February 16 at 9:57am · Like
Sangeeta Swain Thanks for sharing this is so encourageing and give hope for other parents. so happy for ur family!!February 17 at 1:10pm · Like
Susan Rakoczy-Barker I think that’s great. Never underestimate any child’s ability. The more you expect, the more they will accomplish. Ive seen the toughest adults with disabilities become completely different people when expectations are set and stuck to, sometimes it takes years, but anything is possible. Keep up the great work!February 18 at 1:03am · Like