Feb 16, 2012:
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Karla Wiersma Its happening. Fox news has talked about PANDAS a few times.
February 16 at 7:50am · Like ·1
Jill Southgate My grandson has PANDAS – much improved after long term antibiotics
February 16 at 8:05am · Like -
Kerrie Hegel Ferrara We lost our son the first time to autism. He made incredible strides and was doing amazing until we lost him a second time to PANDAS. PANDAS is under control but he’s still not the way he was 5 years ago before it 🙁
February 16 at 10:46am · Like -
Rebecca McGarry Ferguson Hi Kerrie, mentos here… I share your story almost exactly. So terribly sorry. It’s heartbreaking to lose ground. It’s also a big part of what I wrote about in my chapter of the TM book. Just when you think you’re on the road to recovery, PANDAS is devastating. I wrote about it here also: http://www.regardingcaroline.com/video2 thinking of you and your son and hoping he continues to progress!
As with so many things in life, just when you think you’ve begun to figure thing…See MoreFebruary 16 at 1:47pm · Like ·2 ·
Brianna Lomba Hall What a wonderful video. Thank you for sharing. You are such a dedicated and loving family. I am so happy your daughter is doing so well 🙂
February 17 at 1:45pm · Like -
Donna Schmidt All 3 of my special needs kids have this
February 17 at 9:24pm · Like
I tried watching the video, but the sound isn’t working.