Feb 28, 2012: MaMa Mac ponders a future where everyone acknowledges what has happened to a generation (or more) of children…
“What would you donate? What items would tell the story of your family’s Autism experience? A plunger or monogrammed toilet snake, or the cell phone number for Wayne from Wayne’s Drains? Toys never played with or clothes never worn because they are outside of the child’s sensory comfort zone? Locks broken or fences leapt over?What do you need people to learn from your heartbreak? What would you put in the Museum of Autism that will teach future generations “Never Again”?
Please read the entire article Museum of Autism by MaMa Mac.
PS: My daughters cried and screamed like this too all day long for many many months. This video brought back too many memories for me ~ DSlayer
Danielle Coots Moore Heartbreaking video. I just wanted to hug that little child and all of the others, but know that won’t fix anything.Tuesday at 9:14pm · Like ·
LuvBug Tmr I leave thousands of plastic bendy toys, a hundred miles of toy train track and hundreds of stubs from train trips.Wednesday at 5:09am · Like
Saints Tmr I leave all of the great outfits that were never worn because they were not cozy enough. Great post Mama Mac – so proud to know you.Wednesday at 5:40am · Like
Dhanvantari Dasi We have created this through auto-toxin exposure and ingestion.Wednesday at 9:07am · Like ·