“Had I not learned where the power to heal my family came from already? It comes from within – within ME.”
Please read the full article here The Power to Heal by LuvBug
- Bárbara Flores Questell, Rebecca McGarry Ferguson and 14 others like this.
Kelly Hauser Steffens I think I have found my home. I have never met a bunch of people that think exactly as I do. Amen to healing thyself !Wednesday at 10:08pm · Unlike ·
Megan Davenhall ”Had I not learned where the power to heal my family came from already? It comes from within – within ME.” Amen, Luv Bug. Amen.Wednesday at 10:19pm · Like ·
Maureen O’Neill York Love it! And I pray that the rest of America wakes up. I love good doctors. Ones that think, investigate, try to truly heal their patients. I don’t know if things have changed or I just grew up, but today these docs seem like they are playing a matching game,… symptom to pharmasuitical. That’s it! Then the odasity of kicking patients out of their practice for not just shutting up and doing what they are told. We need to start reminding these Docs they provide a service we pay for and start leaving them if they won’t rise to the occasion. The power to change it is in our hands!Wednesday at 10:30pm · Like ·
Sarah Cusack Scholl I love this post. Don’t you love paying to see a doctor only to inform them of the healing you have accomplished on your own? I consider my pediatric well visits a service to the community, my chance to enlighten a pediatrician.Wednesday at 10:40pm · Like ·
Jacque Sanchez Thank you for this post. My daughter is 2 1/2 and we had a similar summer/fall to the one you describe w/ your daughter. 2 hospital visits, oral steroids, wheezing and coughing attacks. Scary scary stuff!! We had her on a child friendly inhaler after the nebulizer treatments didn’t work. We were giving her a preventative medicine 2x a day and when she got sick we also gave her a steroid 2x a day. It made things better but like you said she was eating less, becoming more agitated and hyper and we were all frustrated. Helen Conroy (our cousin) suggested supplementing w/ D3 which we do daily but I am curious about these other supplements you are using. We still carry her child friendly inhaler and use it when she seems you be having a wheezy cough but we have taken her off the daily preventative stuff. We have seen improvement with just the D3 but I would love to do more to strengthen her immune system if I can.Wednesday at 10:42pm · Like
LuvBug Tmr Jacque – Fish oils are nice because they help tamp down inflammation and are a great fat for kids neurological development. Nordic Naturals is our fav b/c it is very pure. Quercetin was an important supplement for us because it quieted her mast cell overactivation – commonly seen in allergic responses to pollen/dander/foods. Do a bit of research on it. Some of the best immune boosters are good sleep, pure food and washing those hands real well. Our hand washing “protocol” (as my husband calls it) has substantially reduced our colds. Also, the Vitamin D council –www.vitamindcouncil.org – is a great resource on types and dosages for vitamin d. It takes time – but it works. We haven’t had a nebulizer treatment in a little over a year (she just turned 7).Vitamin D Council is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase publi…See MoreWednesday at 11:55pm · Like ·
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LuvBug Tmr Sarah – this blog started out by talking about the only reason I still go to our pediatrician is to educate him and show him a child recovering from autism…so I hear ya! Kelly and Maureen – welcome home.Wednesday at 11:57pm · Like ·
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution Megan Davenhall – just said it “the power to heal my child comes from within me”. Goosebumps girlfriend. Goosbumps!!!!Yesterday at 12:10am · Like ·
Jacque Sanchez LuvBug, thank you for the information!!! We have nordic naturals fish oil sitting in our cabinet that we have not tried yet. Things have been good for the past few months so we decided to hang tight before introducing anythjing else. What are your thoughts about that? I will look into the Quercetin too. Not sure about her allergies to pollen/dander. I guess we will see this spring. She has food allergies, peanuts/tree nuts. Yes, we have become big hand washers as well. We have definitely realized how important that is for Tahlia’s health. Thanks for the link. We are currently giving her 1000ius of vitamin D a day. I will check out the website to see if what they suggest as an appropriate amount. Keep the information rolling, so insightful and helpful. Thanks again!10 hours ago · Like