March 20, 2012: Norman Rockwell? Sunshine paints a different picture of recovery.
“Our appreciation for every single tiny inch forward in development is something to behold. We will embrace any and all forward progress and cheer our kids on with everything we’ve got. If you have a child with autism, you completely understand what I am talking about. If you don’t, please go watch your typical kids with new eyes and savor one moment of awfulness that we are so desperately working toward.”
Please read the full article A Picture of Recovery by Sunshine
- 14 others like this.
Ashley Murdock ”i want reality” – ♥!!!Tuesday at 8:37pm · Like ·
Cathy Brennan Reilly I’m ready for recovery to become reality!Wednesday at 12:45am · Like ·
LuvBug Tmr Thanks, Sunshine Tmr! I have my own little picture of recovery in my mind…Wednesday at 9:40am · Like ·
Jeanie Metcalf-Wallace My son is I guess what you would call normal developmentally it makes me happy to see him grow it makes me sad to think others can’t have the normal things the reality. I hope and pray all of you that have a child with development delays see your days become normal reality.Yesterday at 5:09am · Like ·