March 4, 2012: This is a post from a reader on our Facebook Wall.
“Where can I direct someone whose child is a non responder ,so far, to the DAN approach? I don’t know the details; if they did it right, had test, did it on their own, had a good doc or not, etc. They have a seven year old with no functional language. They seem to still believe biomed can work but it hasn’t been successful for them. Is their someone who has had a similar experience that could reach out to her? Is their someplace I can direct her that might help her figure out why he is not responding? This is a childhood friend that I just found out she has an effected child. We used the DAN approach and our son responded to everything so I don’t have any answers. Thanks” ~ Maureen O’Neill York
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution Maureen, Look for a PM.
Goddess -
Kelly Hauser Steffens Maureen- have them look into the brain balance program. There are about 50 centers nationwide. Our daughter had hit a wall, and this program is bringing her home. It focuses on balancing the left & right hemispheres. However, we have healed her GI tract and have been doing detox with infred sauna for years among many other things. If there is no center near her, she can get the book “disconnected kids” by dr. Robert Melillo. Very Interesting stuff. The program was developed by a neurological chiropractor.March 5 at 6:03am via mobile · Like
Jennifer Limekiller Kelly – do you think one can get results just by following the book since the brain balance program is quite costly?March 5 at 6:27am · Like
Maureen O’Neill York Thanks Kelly! I’d also like to know the answer to Jennifer’s question as their is no center around us?March 5 at 7:17am · Like
Jennifer Limekiller I have a center about 45 mins away, just don’t have the $ to pay for it. Big bucks. Paging Kelly Hauser SteffensMarch 5 at 7:24am · Like
Kelly Hauser Steffens Yes. You can definitely get results from doing the at-home-program. It just may take longer. And yup…it is expensive. No family vacation for us this year. In fact, we had to borrow a portion of the money to get her to go…but it’s been worth every penny.March 5 at 7:33am · Like ·
Kelly Hauser Steffens *One caveat–The 1st book, “disconnected kids” doesn’t talk about primitive reflexes. If you are going to do the at-home program, also buy the second book “reconnected kids” as it talks in depth about primitive reflexes and how to incorporate them into your program.*March 5 at 8:50am · Like ·
Jennifer Limekiller It is also great to hear you say it is worth every penny. I could not even consider attempting to come up with 6500 for something that *might help.March 5 at 9:29am · Like