March 5, 2012: Most Moms know a thing or two about this topic! You WILL listen to Booty Kicker, and turn that BURNOUT into feeling FIRED UP!
“I am writing this for you because I want you to learn from my mistakes. It is so easy to get burned out as an autism mom. We tend to neglect ourselves first and foremost. But we can’t; that’s a dangerous mistake. We lose our balance and we start to spin. When we start spinning, our superhero capes get tangled around our own necks.”
Please read the full article here Burnout by Booty Kicker
23 others like this.
Melissa Schlosser Haas Good reminder. Ran myself into the ground a year ago. I hope the author continues down this oath and full recovery from the cancerMarch 5 at 9:08pm · Like ·
Laurie Borle Sooo true! Little time or effort is put into the mom and we need to remember to reach out of the ASD and grab it or we will not be able to give enough to our child/children. I realized my husband was exceptionally good at taking breaks while I was not. I’m a little better now, though. Burnout had to hit so many times for me to learn.March 5 at 9:20pm · Like ·
Karren Owen I am amazed by your courage and recognise myself in your words. I wish you all the very best. XMarch 5 at 9:58pm · Like ·
Janet Yieh Dang, I’m in the middle of a spiral right now, better get in gear and pull myself out. Thanks for the reminder!March 5 at 11:01pm · Like ·
Kelly Hauser Steffens Thx for the reminder. Love, a very tired warrior mama.March 6 at 12:30am · Like ·
Ziba MJ Very brave BK Tmr! Really touched me when you said “I had been working so hard to recover my son, that I neglected myself. My son ate healthy; I ate crap….” Thank you for speaking so openly ♥March 6 at 12:10pm · Like