- 21 others like this.
Dhanvantari Dasi This is the problem, no individual assessment, no individual help. Just masses treated like “sheep”March 5 at 7:55am · Like ·
Melissa BlackLilly Pinel ”everyone is a genius…but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid” – Albert EinsteinMarch 5 at 8:13am · Like ·
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution Saint here….I test kids for a living and just LOVE the cartoon I posted above. It speaks the truth and should be plastered on the walls of all politicians who think that ONE test should be given to all kids to determine whether or not they can proceed to the next grade level or gradualte from high school. It does not take learning differences into account one bit.March 5 at 8:24am · Like ·
Gaynell Buffinet Payne As a special needs mom and advocate especially – yes.March 5 at 9:09am · Like
Mark Osborn Kathleen: sorry to be the one to break this to you, but “fair” does not exist.March 5 at 1:23pm · Like