March 6, 2012: There are no Black Sheep in this family!! Enjoy this moving post from Saint.
“By now you must be wondering why I am writing about our amazing bond that you have heard about in previous posts. You see, despite the bond, in many ways I am The Black Sheep of this family. My daughter, the reason for my existence, does not suffer from autism. That’s right – no autism here.”
Please read the full article here Black Sheep by Saint
14 others like this.
Marissa Bagshaw The Saint lives up to her name. Proud to be part of the familyMarch 6 at 8:16pm · Like
Sarah Cusack Scholl Thank you for this post. My daughter has Celiac disease. I found the real help that I needed for her in the Autism community. Also, I have been a ped physical therapist for 10 years and I think the parents working here are finding solutions for children with MANY diagnoses, if we can just get people to understand and to try. Thank You.March 6 at 8:30pm · Like ·
Kelly Hauser Steffens Agreed. I have learned far more from fellow parents than any doctor. Without them, my daughter would not be on the road to recovery. I am inspired by them daily and they push me to keep on, keepin’ on.March 6 at 8:55pm · Like ·
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution I absolutely agree, Sarah. The reason I’m here is that I found help for my apraxic son and my daughter with ADHD through the autism community. I stayed because I became more and more convinced that the work they’re doing NEEDS to be done for the good of all the kids of the world. Viva la revolution! — ProfessorMarch 6 at 9:45pm · Like ·
Saints Tmr Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments. I am hopeful that we can spread the word and reach many more people both in and out of the autistic community. We are all striving towards the same goal, and together, we WILL reach that goal.March 6 at 10:51pm · Like ·
Sarah Cusack Scholl I recently started a FB community to discuss the health issues facing children today. If anyone is interested, you are more than welcome. I loving having educated mamas. Thriving Family HealthMarch 7 at 12:09am · Like ·
Jennifer Fisher Jespersen YOU ROCK black sheep – it sounds to me like instead of being the black sheep you are a glue that binds 🙂March 7 at 7:39pm · Like ·