March 14, 2012: Hi friends, Mentos here… When a Thinking Mom learns that a local Pediatrician — who fires patients for not following the vaccination schedule — is giving a “Get the Facts” Seminar… what’s a girl to do?? Round up the Posse and OCCUPY THE VAX CHAMP of course!!!
We came, we saw and now we’re blogging There will be a full-blown, knock-down, drag-out post on TMR next week, but until then, here are a few of the evening’s infuriating quotes. Be prepared to swear at the screen… it’s worse than we imagined.
Please read the full article here The Vaccine Champion | Musings from Dr G by Mentos
Sarah Cusack Scholl Does the good doctor explain what does cause autism? So sad.March 14 at 9:47am · Like
The Thinking Moms’ Revolution He doesn’t know Sarah. But when asked about Hannah Polling, he will let you know that 300 children die a year in bathtub accidents. ?!?!?!!!!! Yep… That’s another direct quote.March 14 at 10:00am · Like
Sarah Cusack Scholl I just saw this on Andrea Beaman’s FB page:
“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.” ParacelsusMarch 14 at 10:13am · Like ·5
Holly Laux Dapore You can’t make this stuff up. I have videos of the light going out, Dr. Goldstein. Give me a call.March 14 at 10:36am · Like ·
Mentos Tmr I hear you Holly Laux Dapore – it was excruciating to sit through his lies and keep quiet! In the end there was a Q and A session (we had to write doesn the questions) and wow. that’s when his lack of knowledge really became glaringly apparent!March 14 at 10:46am · Like ·
Shannah Tarvin Pace Sarah, another poignant quote by Paracelsus:
“The art of medicine has its roots in the heart. If your heart is false, then also the doctor in you is false. If it is fair, then also the doctor is fair.”
Yesterday at 12:20am · Like ·2