Mindfulness and Anxiety Relief for Children on the Autism Spectrum (and the Rest of Us!)

May 6, 2016

Megan BuerI know what it’s like. I’m a mom just like you. My 10-year-old is on the spectrum . . . and, wow, what a 10 years it has been! Seth came into the world screaming, and didn’t stop for five years.  We have dealt with the usual ASD stuff – sensory overwhelm, confusion, tantrums, picky eating, digestive issues, severe language delays, and the list goes on.

We delved into alternative therapy early on, and so many different modalities have supported Seth in his healing journey.   We support his digestive system with homeopathic remedies, herbs, and gut healing supplements.  But, what about his anxiety? His rage? His overwhelm? Herbs didn’t cut it. This is where energy medicine and mindfulness came in.

What is energy medicine? If you’re new to energy work, watch my video simplifying it all. This includes all forms of energy healing – EFT, Emotion Code, Reiki, healing touch, etc.

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short, is one of the best tools I’ve found that helps children and adults release anxiety and get calm.  Energy work helps to clear the excess sensory overwhelm from ASD kids (and all of us!). EFT is a simple modality that can be taught to young children.  Rather than always having to see a practitioner, EFT empowers the individual to heal their emotions on the spot.

EFT is a great way to get the brain and body reconnected and working together again. When our children are calm and mindful, they are better able to regulate their emotions.  Have you ever been able to rationalize with your child during an anxiety or sensory overwhelm tantrum? Nope, it just doesn’t work!

Teaching our children emotional regulation is one of the best tools we can empower them with.  Here are three simple ways you can start teaching mindfulness today!

Three Simple Ways to Implement Mindfulness and Calm Anxiety for ASD Kids

  1. Create a personalized affirmation. An affirmation is a positive statement about themselves that they can repeat over and over. Your child’s affirmation may change every day, depending on circumstances. Our favorite affirmation is, “I am safe, and I am loved.” You could write it out on paper and stick it on the fridge. Laminate a small card with it for your child to keep in their backpack. Recite it over the breakfast table. Whisper it to them before bed. Affirmations are gentle reminders that, over time, will become habitual thinking. As we gently remind our children that they are loved and safe, their nervous systems will follow that belief. Other helpful affirmations for ASD: “I am a great kid, and I’m here to do amazing things.” “My body and mind are calm.”

EFT Affirmation

  1. EFT. I have created a simple EFT script that you and your child can follow along with. Do this script with your children, and help them understand what anxiety feels like in their body. My 10-year-old ASD son said that when he feels nervous, his “brain feels confused.” My 8-year-old said that her tummy hurts and her mind gets fuzzy. Connect with your child and identify how anxiety feels in their body. Teach them that they can do this video whenever that feeling comes into their body.

  1. Create a “peace spot.” This could be in an unused corner of your home or in your child’s room. Make sure it is somewhere quiet. Put a beanbag chair in the corner or a sheepskin rug. Our peace spot has one small shelf that holds a few sensory items, some affirmation cards, and a list of peaceful activities (take a deep breath, ask for a hug, read a book, sing, do yoga, EFT script, etc). If your child likes weighted blankets, put one of those there for them. We have taught our son that this spot is a safe place for him to go when he feels overwhelmed. He knows it’s a quiet place where he can calm himself down.

Implement one of these tools and see how it helps you or your children.

If you are looking for more support in healing anxiety – in either yourself or your children – you can find additional help at the following links on my blog:

How To Calm Anxiety in 2 Minutes
Key Nutrient for Healing Anxiety
Simplifying Anxiety
What is the Emotion Code?

What are your favorite tools for releasing anxiety and cultivating mindfulness?

~ Megan Buer, CECP

Megan Buer is an author, blogger, energy medicine practitioner, and mom to three. She went on a 10-year health journey to heal her son (autism spectrum) and herself of Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, food intolerances, and anxiety. She discovered the tools needed to truly heal – physically, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Her mission is to bring that message of empowerment to those who feel exhausted and overwhelmed on their journeys to health. Find her on social media or at www.harmony-restored.com

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8 Responses to Mindfulness and Anxiety Relief for Children on the Autism Spectrum (and the Rest of Us!)

  1. Hans Scholl says:

    One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen…
    Look up #panran
    When the Vaxxed team showed up at Pan’s office yesterday, he ran like a coward…all caught on video.
    I’m amazed at his confidence and integrity. If he’s so confident in his actions, and his acceptance of pharmaceutical money to lobby his bill…why did he run?

  2. Doctor Jack says:

    Fasting followed by a raw food diet of mostly fresh fruits with leaves, (lettuce), shoots, (celery) and nuts and seeds will provide the body with the opportunity to heal and repair itself.

  3. Megan Buer says:

    Sounds like a wonderful work you are doing! Wish we were closer 😉

  4. Suzanne Burrall says:

    Thank you TMR for this article that contains helpful information for all of us.

  5. Good job, Megan!

    How is your son now, after learning to process his anxiety?

    Letha Marchetti OTR/L

    • Megan Buer says:

      Thanks, Letha! Seth is doing wonderful. He has his moments, of course (like we all do). Despite his rough start, he is in mainstream classes at school and thrives in his areas of passion. Glad you enjoyed the post!

      • Megan,
        I’m glad to read this. For the last 3.5 years I’ve been doing in-depth study of trauma recovery. In my practice, I tease out the symptoms – racing heart, tight tummy, freeziness, sensory issues, etc. In helping the child process these things, I’m seeing enough shift that the child does not appear to be on the spectrum. My sample is small, only anecdotal. What if we really helped children through their issues? There is a big change coming as people recognize the value of this.


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