Tex Interviews Dan Olmstead

YEEEE HAWW and Yippee Kai Yay!!!

Yes. I’m still riding high from Autism One last May. What can I say? It was the highlight of 2012 thus far and I seriously had the time of my life. I spent the bulk of my time grabbing whoever I could to interview for the “Up Close and Personal” segments on the Autism One website. It was such an honor and privilege to chat with a number of amazing Thinkers about what is happening in the Autism community and what the future holds for treatment, politics, and networking. The following interview with Dan Olmsted updates us on the Wakefield lawsuit, and the amazing grassroots efforts of Thinkers around the globe fighting for our health and freedoms.

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Dan Olmstead is the Editor of the daily web newspaper Age of Autism and author of The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic.

~ Tex

*For more blogs by Tex, please click here.

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3 Responses to Tex Interviews Dan Olmstead

  1. Nice shout-out there by Dan Olmstead to the Thinking Moms!

  2. Carmen says:

    Great Job, Tex! Makes me feel like I was at A1 through osmosis.



  3. Marco says:

    “The children aren’t going away,
    the parents aren’t going away,
    and I certainly am NOT going away!!”
    -DR. Andrew Wakefield

    And a personal note to my cousin David, who in spite of being one of, if not the most intelligent person I have ever met, and after whom my son was also named…
    You have until I recover Davidino to formulate your apology to him regarding your completely ignorant and incorrect position on vaccination, recovery, and Dr. Wakefield.


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