Meet The Generation Of Children We Refuse To Lose…

Meet the generation we refuse to lose to Autism and let’s turn awareness into action TOGETHER!

If you are unable to view the video above, please click on this link Meet The Generation of Children

The Thinking Moms’ Revolution would like to thank all those who voiced and showed their support during the AutismOne/ Generation Rescue Conference 2012.

We enjoyed meeting each and every one of you and sharing our stories of hope and recovery.

We’re here.  We’re listening.  We’re fighting.

Read our Blog and join us daily as we forge forward, hand in hand, into a future full of hope.


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8 Responses to Meet The Generation Of Children We Refuse To Lose…

  1. Kelly says:

    My son would say “To be the next Bill Gates”.

  2. RM says:

    My son ‘s sign would say “to be accepted”. He wants more than anything to be with all the other kids and do what they do. He doesn’t want to be shut away in a special classroom or eat weird looking foods (He definately is GFCF, though) I constantly have to push and fight the school for this. He was kicked out of the afterschool/summer program for typical kids last week. I still can’t believe little, shy old me had the courage to demand a meeting with the Director and fight to get him back in. I won. I used to do anything right or battle authority when I was a kid. My son makes me be strong inside and courageous for him.

  3. susan says:

    THANK YOU!!!!

  4. Jennifer Power says:

    I am in tears. I am the mother of 1 unvaccinated robust child and 1 partially vaccinated healthy tween. I cannot understand what your children suffer through everyday. I cannot know what you the parents must do for your children every minute of every day. I am in awe of your courage, your children’s’ courage and your ability to see a bright spot in every new day, no matter how small. Thank you all for this powerful insight into a world all too common. I will pass it on.

  5. Mary Romaniec says:

    I’ve told my almost 13 year old son that he changed my life and made me a better person. No longer do I take the milestones for granted. They were hard won. He recovered from autism and his future is his own. Keep fighting for them! No one knows the potential of any child. . .especially our kids.

  6. Allie says:

    Aidan’s sign would say “Balance”
    Balance between the diet and the exercises and the supplements and the interventions and just being a 7 year old KID! Today’s post about “A Childhood Stolen” really resonated with me. Oh, to be able to hand my Aidan two bucks for the Good Humor truck! (oh, the only non-dairy thing you have is red and blue? We won’t even bring up the high fructose corn syrup) So we keep a batch of GF cupcakes in the freezer, along with some Italian ice for when we need a sweet treat in a pinch. It’s just how we roll around here…;)
    And of course, our word would also pay homage to the Brain Balance Program, which was the missing piece of our recovery puzzle.
    I wish I could be at A1 to meet all of the Thinking Moms (and Dads). I can’t wait to hear all about it! Blaze, could you get me a “hope” refill while you’re there? My Rx is running low!
    Love to you all!


  7. Lori Culbertson says:

    Wow, left me in tears. I could not help but think what my son’s sign would say if he were to hold one up….it would say “To get married, be a dad, and have a job like everyone else” I am really missing being there. The Thinking Moms rock. Thanks for a wonderful video.

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