Meet the Thinking Moms’ Children

Today, we introduce our children.

To us they are more than a number. They are our world.

From the moment we wake until our weary heads hit the pillow, they are the reason for everything we do. The research. The healing. The REVOLUTION.

They span the spectrum. Each facing unique challenges, but collectively representing the hundreds of thousands of 1’s among the 88’s.

Our children. Your children. All of them encouraging us to stay the course.

Fix their bodies.

Heal their minds.

Repair their souls.

Communicate their plight to the world.

Their messages speak volumes.

We’re here. We’re listening.

We’re fighting.

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4 Responses to Meet the Thinking Moms’ Children

  1. Pingback: This is my 1 in 88 | that cynking feeling

  2. Your children are indescribably beautiful, thanks for sharing this…..
    Wendy Frye

  3. Pingback: » Blog Archive » MUST WATCH VIDEO: The Thinking Moms’ Children

  4. Anne Dachel says:

    This is so moving. Seeing these faces makes the disaster very real and personal. How can this be happening to our children while officials and experts merely look on?

    The facts are these:

    Autism is now an epidemic.
    Autism has no known cause, cure, or prevention.
    Officials aren’t sure if the rate is a real increase.
    Officials don’t know when they’ll have any answers.
    Officials aren’t sure of the definition of autism.

    THE ONLY THING ANYONE IS KNOWS ABOUT AUTISM IS THAT THE GOVERNMENT’S VACCINE SCHEDULE ISN’T TO BLAME. It just couldn’t be. That is all that matters. The suffering of a generation of children isn’t relevant. No one really cares.

    The real message from the CDC: “AUTISM—-Learn to live with it.”

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