What could be more fun than a summer book club with a group of thinkers? The best part about this book club is that you don’t have to get all dolled up to go to anyone’s house or a restaurant and you don’t have to clean your house from top to bottom and bake appetizers all day for the gals to come to your place! That is right… this book club is VIRTUAL as in Facebook!
We will be discussing TEAMTMR new release:
Evolution of a Revolution: From Hope to Healing
How does a Virtual Book Club work? Well I am glad you asked:
1. Link to this closed group on Facebook and request to join: https://www.facebook.com/
2. Make sure you have your copy of the book ordered or downloaded to your reader: http://www.amazon.com/
3. On July 1st, head over to the group and the first question will be posted by our moderator (a volunteer with TEAM TMR). Feel free to chime in the conversation by posting your answer in the comments below the question.
4. Check back each day for a new question. We will go in order of the book beginning with a question about BLING’s chapter on July 1st and ending with a question from Zorro’s chapter on July 31st. Many of the ladies who authored these chapters have
submitted the questions about their own chapter and will be chiming in during the conversation. Where else can you CHAT with the authors of a book and mothers who are healing their children, who are willing to share what they have learned and the HOPE they have for all our kids? TMR…that’s where!
We hope you will join us! And invite a friend or two to join you… in their yoga pants and ponytail on facebook!