Thank You

Mountain MamaMontana winters are long and dark and cold…and did I mention LONG? By the end of March every year, I find myself stuck in a horrible Seasonal Affective Disorder funk that is very hard to get out of. This year was no different. Combine SAD with the fact that someone in my house has been sick at all times since before Thanksgiving, and I have to admit that I have been in a very bad space.

Parenting a child with special needs is a life of extremes. It can be the most exhilarating and joyous experience you could ever know. However, when your child is suffering and struggling, the pain and worry can take you down. Most of you reading this know the proverbial roller coaster all too well. We started TMR to offer help and support to parents who are struggling on this ride. We know what it feels like to feel alone in this, and we really wanted to help others. What I didn’t expect was how much I would be supported by all of YOU in the process.

I can’t tell you how many times in recent days I have cried while scrolling through the pictures you all have sent of yourselves, your children, even your dogs with the book. I have gotten so many new friend requests and messages with kind words. When I am having a bad day – and there have been many lately – I sit down and read the reviews you have left on Amazon. I can’t say “Thank You” enough to all of you. I am so proud to be with you on this journey. I just wanted everyone to know that the help and support goes both ways, and I am so, so grateful for yours. It has pulled me through.

I won’t give up if you don’t!

~Mountain Mama

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4 Responses to Thank You

  1. snail says:

    Hello, Yes,
    I used to get that in Oregon, you are much closer, just go to Denver or canon city for a thre week four week trip to drive and take in the sites, Denver is awesome, and canon city has great history, plus a bit furth highway 50 thru Gunnison is Terrific! Just rive to the top of the mountain on highway 50 , small two lane, and go a little ways on the other side Snow ! then I advise to turn around and go back towards Gunnison and maybe thru Colorado Springs, then wind up at an old ghost town that does tours to the trolley to go across the canon above canon city, famouse museum prison , back up to Denver. the foothills on the east side of the rocky mountain are mild, and some storms come and it gets cold but maybe two months of the year. then theres aways red rocks where seriously awesome concerts happen, plus all the bike trails… well. just knowwht you mean, maybe this will help . from gloomy Oregon to mile high huge ball of sun its springtime all the time in those rockies. seriously dangerous everywhere else weather wise as a disclaimer….. bye, great livin’!

  2. Shelley West says:

    {{HUGS}} to you. I’m new to The Thinking Mom’s Revolution (joined yesterday), and I was excited to realize that the first blog post that I received in my inbox was from a Montana mom. I’m originally from Missoula, but currently live in Georgia. I know how bad the winters can be, so I empathize. That is one thing I don’t miss about the state. Kudos to you for handling your journey in such a remote part of the US. Stay warm and know that it will be over in another month or so. Uhg!

  3. S L King says:

    You mamas rock!

  4. Taximom5 says:

    MountainMama, please make sure that YOU (as well as your children) are getting adequate vitamin D. SAD is basically D deficiency.

    I take the Purity Product version, that is D3 PLUS K PLUS magnesium, but probably any D3 would be helpful. I take 2500 IU (but less in the summer when I am getting sunshine).

    We tend to pay close attention to the nutritional needs of our children, and ignore our own.

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