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May 6, 2016 I know what it’s like. I’m a mom just like you. My 10-year-old is on the spectrum . . . and, wow, what a 10 years it has been! Seth came into the world screaming, and didn’t … Continue reading
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May 6, 2016 I know what it’s like. I’m a mom just like you. My 10-year-old is on the spectrum . . . and, wow, what a 10 years it has been! Seth came into the world screaming, and didn’t … Continue reading
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May 5, 2016 Not very long ago, as my daughter and I were unpacking a box of old pictures, and we came across this one. “Is that you, Mom?” “Yes, it is.” “You look different. Was that long ago?” “Not … Continue reading
May 4, 2016 Last Tuesday, April 26, was a red-letter day for the TMR community. Many health “revolutionaries,” myself included, were thrilled to be able to attend a United Nations conference where Dr. Martha Herbert, Kevin Barry (filling in for … Continue reading
May 3, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CDC Whistleblower to Extend MMR Vaccine Fraud According to multiple reliable sources, CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will soon publish a … Continue reading
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April 21, 2016 Today’s post was originally published by and reprinted with permission from TEAM TMR’s Hoppy. If you know people who still think of autism as an “incurable genetic disorder,” please introduce them to the concept of autism … Continue reading
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April 20, 2016 Since federal cannabis prohibition began in 1937, cannabis users have hidden their use from the world, ashamed of a safe and effective coping mechanism for dealing with the pain and stress of everyday life. Cannabis is a substance that has … Continue reading
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April 15, 2016 For another viewpoint on autism awareness, we’re running this piece (with the author’s permission) originally published by Amy Lansky, homeopath and author of Impossible Cure, about her son’s recovery from autism with homeopathic treatment. Note that even … Continue reading
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April 14, 2016 How did my son “grow out of” his food allergies? Short answer: He didn’t. Getting my son to a place where he is no longer allergic to food took lots of work on my part, my husband’s … Continue reading
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April 13, 2016 I was talking with a newer autism mom the other day, and she was having a hard time. The same Hard Time I’ve had repeatedly over this journey. The same Hard Time we all have sometime during … Continue reading