Let’s Start This FUA Friday off Right!

When Patrick was four, he still had hardly put two words together. I got a little overzealous with the abundance of organic sweet potatoes I could get at the grocery store and started baking lots of fries. Then I found this on his chair at the dinner table one day…

It was then that we knew it was in there, he just hadn’t found a way to verbalize it. Fast forward to age 11… he is fully verbal, included, not accommodated for at school and has a couple of “typical” friends. (We still have some concerning social deficits, the reason behind my last post ).  He is as much of an aggravating big brother as there could be, and tonight he really made little sister angry. She stormed off to her room, and he put this note under her door.



Now tell me yours!

xoxo – Blaze

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11 Responses to Let’s Start This FUA Friday off Right!

  1. Allie says:

    I LOVE you, sweet Patrick, and this post!

    I was thinking about you just yesterday, as I sat in the Black Box Theater at the Department for Cultural Affairs. Aidan attended art camp there this week (which he LOVED), and they had a group performance in the theater for the parents yesterday. There were 60 kids, so everyone had a teeny tiny part in the one-hour performance. I sat there, watching Aidan sitting (mostly) quietly, engaged, watching his peers perform, responding appropriately to the cues given (we had to clap, snap, oink, cluck, and moo as a sign was held up). He was a little wiggly, but didn’t run around, disturb the others around him or the performance. For an hour. A WHOLE HOUR!

    FUA! (and ALL of your “spectrum” disorders like ADHD, sensory processing disorder, etc.)

  2. Diana Gonzales says:

    Oh the tears! FUA! FU FU FU FU! Cannot wait until my boy can express himself in writing or speech! Yay for Patrick!

  3. Prima Tmr says:


  4. Love you sister. This morning, after 2 weeks of dreading taking Julius to ESY because he hits other children and is the only one that can’t talk… I had him standing away from his “line” while the other kids were using the toilet. (still in diapers..sigh) NOW FOR THE FUA part….
    A peer approached and took Juju’s hand and said, “C’mon Juju, remember quiet hands” and led him over to wait in the line. This is the first time I have seen a child do something kind like that to Julius. It is encouraging to me that he will have friends one day, and be able to talk. I, too, envision a day where Juju is somewhere close to Patrick. Thank you TMR for being YOU.

  5. Sue Judge says:

    Love this! FUA is right! In your FACE A! HA! Happy tears! yay! xo

  6. Maggie Mae says:

    Absolutely LOVE the coupon!!! Way to go Patrick!!! Now, where are my tissues??

  7. Brooke says:

    He is so sweet! Love.

  8. Kerri says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! Congratulations Blaze!!! Way to go Patrick!!!!!

  9. Goddess says:

    Blaze this absolutely made me cry! SO HAPPY for you and P. FUA is right–and I can’t WAIT until I can post pics of Harry doing something like this!!! XOXOXO

  10. Marco says:

    It usually takes more that two sentences and a picture to get me in tears. Congratulations.

  11. Saint says:

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO P!!!!!!!! FUA Indeed!!!!!!!!

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