L-Theanine – anxiety zapper and reduces caffeine-induced jitters. Gets me feeling all Zen.
- Methyl B12 – great energy booster without the jitters and mood elevator. Lozenges and Revitapops are easy to carry along. It gives me a nice energy boost with a mellow finish.
- GABA – provides stress relief and melts away the tension.
- Adrenal Cortex Extract – regulates stress responses and blood sugar levels.
- Digestive enzymes – for those sinfully delicious desserts. My favorite are Enzymedica’s Digest Spectrum. No more bloating and bursting out of that chic LBD.
- Rescue Remedy – soothes frayed tempers, overwrought nerves and for shock.
- Activated charcoal – in case of food poisoning or to discreetly pass to that party guest who’s overindulged on spirits. It mops up toxins & alcohol well.
- Homeopathic remedies – Apis (for hives and allergies), Arsenicum (in case of food poisoning), Ferrum Phos & Belladonna (in case of sudden fevers), Oscillo (for flu symptoms), Calendula (for cuts & scrapes), Arnica (for bumps & bruises). Yes, I know I am committing a homeopathic sin for chucking the remedies in with my mobile phone, but a mum’s gotta do what a mum’s gotta do.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated, drive safely and enjoy yourself!
~ Dragon Slayer
* For more by Dragon Slayer, please click here
Love it!!! Can not wait to see you guys in may and give you thanks!!
You’re welcome Mama Bird!