Natural Remedies For Teeth Grinding: It’s Not Just Stress

Dragon SlayerAre you grinding your teeth, especially while sleeping? Waking up in the morning with a sore jaw? Are you being kept awake by your spouse’s incessant gnashing, grinding and clenching of teeth all night long? Does your jaw make a popping sound? Are you worried your child may grind his teeth down to nubs?  Stress, anxiety, tension, anger and frustration are the commonly known causes of teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Teeth grinding occurs in adults and children all over the world.

Picture6Mild and occasional teeth-grinding does not cause much harm, however for some people who suffer from chronic bruxism and have been grinding their teeth for years, it may lead to damage to their dental and jaw health. In some circumstances, teeth grinding and clenching can wear down tooth enamel, chip teeth, increase temperature sensitivity, and cause severe facial pain and jaw problems including TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders. It can also affect the quality of your sleep. Teeth grinding and teeth clenching can contribute to orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) which may affect speech in children and adults.

My neighbour is a high-flying executive in a very high-profile job. She had been grinding her teeth for several months, the dentist said that it was due to anxiety and stress, and suggested mouth-guards for her to wear while sleeping. Another friend also experienced teeth grinding, and she too had to wear a mouth-guard at night. Her dentist concluded that it was due to bad occlusion i.e. abnormal alignment of her teeth.

Soft-Splint-Dental-GuardIf stress and anxiety are the cause of your teeth grinding, the obvious solution would be to take away the stressors. However, not everyone has the luxury of going on holiday or taking a break away from our responsibilities. My fellow autism mothers know that walking away from the stress and pressures of raising and recovering our children with autism is not an option. Instead, we find creative ways to manage our stress levels and take measures to minimise our anxiety. Exercising, getting a massage and doing yoga are great stress-busters. Taking fish oil or Omega 3 supplement with high EPA helps with mood regulation. L-Theanine, a natural green tea extract, helps relieve anxiety and aids in serotonin production. Diffusing lavender essential oil is calming and grounding. My fellow Thinking Mom and Team TMR co-author Shawty swears by meditation and adrenal support to manage her stress level and minimise her teeth grinding.

But psychological issues can’t be the only reason for teeth grinding, right? It’s not just because of teeth alignment either. Surely there are other physiological factors to consider? My older daughter, Mei, used to grind her teeth at night so loudly that I could hear it from the other room! I highly doubt stress played much of a part in her teeth grinding. I was raising two daughters with autism at that time; if stress was really the only cause of teeth grinding, my teeth would be filed down to nubs. Stress was the norm for me back then, hyper-vigilance fused into every fibre of my being. But I wasn’t grinding my teeth at night. My intuition told me that my children’s teeth grinding was not caused by stress. What else could it be?

Mineral Deficiency

Teeth grinding is also associated with mineral deficiency, especially calcium. People who are doing detox especially, heavy metal chelation, may find that it depletes minerals too.  Some people tend to leach minerals faster than the average person and need to replenish their minerals. Giving Mei additional calcium citrate with meals did the trick.  I prefer calcium citrate,  as it is absorbed better than other forms. Always remember to take calcium supplements with meals, otherwise kidney stones may occur.

It’s Not Just Calcium

But what if it’s not just calcium? For some people, they may need a little extra zinc rather than calcium.  Sometimes I need to increase my daughter’s magnesium intake separately, especially if there is teeth clenching is involved. Magnesium is also calming, helps with serotonin production, helps with calcium absorption and it relaxes tight muscles. I prefer Magnesium Glycinate as it is easier to absorb, and less irritating to the gut.

Calcium, magnesium and zinc are staple supplements in every basic biomedical protocol for autism. But the human body requires more than just these three minerals. You can use a multi-mineral supplement to get the others if you like. But I wondered if there were more effective solutions, a more natural source of minerals.

Himalayan Salt Sole

Himalayan_rock_salt_cypress_natural_workshopI was then introduced to Himalayan salt sole. Sole (pronounced so-lay) is made from Himalayan rock salt. This beautiful pink-coloured salt, mined from the Himalayan mountains, contains 84 minerals. When you dissolve Himalayan rock salt in water, to the point of saturation, that salt water solution is called sole. You can make your own Sole, using pure Himalayan salt in rock or crystal form. Read my blog on how to make your own sole here.

When Mei started grinding her teeth again at night, I gave her extra sole and it soon stopped. Himalayan salt also has the added benefit of cleansing away negative energies; thus, we do Himalayan salt baths often too.

Other excellent natural sources of salt-based multi-minerals include Quinton Water which is an isotonic ocean water solution, and Miracle Salt which is harvested from sea salt.

Beyond Dairy: Mineral-Rich Foods

If you are like me and my family who avoid dairy products or are on a casein-free diet, I also incorporate lots of calcium and mineral-rich foods in our meals because we know that milk is not the only source of calcium in our diet.



I also cook a lot of bone broths, which are full of minerals. Bone broth is highly nutritious: It fortifies the immune system, enhances digestion and is a delicious way to include more minerals in your family’s diet. Please try out my Malaysian Bone Broth recipe.

I include a lot of ikan bilis in my cooking. Ikan bills is a type of Malaysian dried anchovy, which provides lots of calcium and tastes yummy. In certain countries, dairy is not a traditional part of their diet, thus they obtain their calcium needs from other foods, such as seaweed in Japan.

seaweed_wellbeingcomau ikan bilis

Himalayan salt sole, bone broths, ocean water and isotonic sea salt solution also have the added benefit of being easier to absorb, without the added stressor of overworking the liver that comes with typical capsule and tablet mineral supplements.

Valerian, Lavender and Chamomile

chamomile_teaApart from increasing our mineral intake, I also use essential oils such as valerian, lavender, Roman chamomile and oil blends known to help with teeth grinding, anxiety and stress. Personally, I’m not a big fan of valerian, be it in herbal remedy form or as an essential oil. I find that valerian tends to give me very vivid dreams. But lavender and Roman chamomile are absolutely lovely. Chamomile is also a great homeopathic remedy, well-known for it’s use for children who are teething. And chamomile tea is a natural remedy for calming overwrought nerves.


originalIf teeth grinding still persists even after increasing the minerals and taking measures to reduce stress, parasites could be an issue. Especially if the grinding occurs during the full moon and comes with other symptoms commonly associated with parasites: anal itching, nightmares, mood swings, behavioural issues especially during full-moon periods, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and more. Some children I know have difficulty gaining weight, even though they eat a lot. They have a huge appetite, are insatiable for food and more food, yet still do not gain weight. This too could also be a symptom of intestinal parasites.  Please read Bugs, Moon Cycles and Lunacy and Got Parasites?

In addition to over-the-counter worm medication, there are several parasite treatments I find effective. Artemesia wormwood, black walnut and clove are well-known herbal remedies. They are effective, but taste horrible. My girls had a terrible time swallowing the herbal remedies when they were younger and were not able to swallow capsules.

Also effective are Kerri Rivera’s CD protocol which has really helped with parasites, candida and bacterial overgrowth for us. I also use the following essential oils – DiGize, Oregano, Thieves and Peppermint layered on the soles of the feet twice a day which helps with parasites as well as candida.

Homeopathy and Cell Salts

Homeopathic remedies can also be very effective. Cina (pronounced ‘see-nah’) is a popular remedy for worms. I have friends who saw tons of worms pass out just on Cina alone. However, it didn’t do much for us. When Mei was grinding her teeth again, my homeopath kindly made a batch of combination remedies made of several homeopathic remedies that are effective for worms. Following her protocol, I saw a reduction in parasite symptoms including itchy bottom and wormy behaviour. The teeth grinding stopped temporarily, but came back again. Even after doing all the other previously successful treatments, this time the teeth grinding stubbornly remained. Increasing her minerals didn’t work. Treating parasites didn’t quite do the trick. What else could it be?

st5Schuessler’s Cell Salts (also known as biochemic or tissue salts) are potentised micro-doses of 12 essential minerals our body needs to repair and maintain itself.  Cell salts are prepared in homeopathic 6X potencies that are gentle, effective and easy to use. Similar to homeopathy, cell salts are ultra dilutions of minerals, but at a much lower potency.

One of my favourite cell salt is Mag Phos 6x. When increasing minerals such as magnesium doesn’t work, I reach for cell salts. Here’s why – increasing the dosage of our magnesium supplement isn’t necessarily the answer. Even when we use the most bioavailable form, or the most easily absorbed form of magnesium, sometimes that just isn’t enough. It’s just not practical or safe to keep increasing the dose. And just because the mineral is well-absorbed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the magnesium is properly utilised. So in this instance, I use Mag Phos cell salt, which helps the body to utilise the existing magnesium in our body. Depending on what you need, you choose from one of the 12 cells salts available. Cell salts aid cells to better assimilate, stimulating the body to use the minerals more efficiently.

Calc Phos, Calc Fluor and Nat Phos are 3 of the most commonly used cell salts for teeth and dental problems. One young boy with autism I know was a chronic teeth grinder, he has been grinding his teeth for years! His mother had increased his minerals and treated him for parasites, yet the teeth grinding continued. She wasn’t quite sure which cell salt to choose from, so she chose Bioplasma instead, which is a combination of all 12 of the tissue salts. Today his mum told me that he no longer grinds his teeth.

Cranial Structure

Craniosacral-3120327_lSomeone asked me if I’ve done cranial work for Mei’s teeth grinding. She explained that teeth grinding may also be a structural issue, that it could be caused by the occipital plates in the skull shifting. She explained that with each neuro-insult or toxic assault, the plates get closer and closer and fuse. Upon treating the toxicity, with each clearing, release or detoxification, the plates start to relax and shift back to their original position. All that moving around may cause the plates in the skull to shift and adjust, and possibly contribute to teeth grinding. Of course, this is an over-simplification of the extremely complex structure of the human skeletal system and its relation to toxic insult. But, it made perfect sense to me. This possible theory definitely got me intrigued. I wasn’t going to write it off just because I didn’t fully understand the complex structure of the human anatomy. One thing autism has taught me is to keep an open mind.

So off I went to see our biodynamic osteopath, a charming Frenchman. Osteopaths have a range of techniques to treat teeth grinding, depending on the cause. My family and I have done osteopathy in the past for various issues. We have experienced much healing with osteopathy, and we usually experience relief within 1-3 sessions. Our osteopath did some Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST is a part of osteopathy) on Mei, adjusted and balanced her body and did the magic that osteopaths do. After one session, no more teeth grinding. Voila!  I love osteopathy, it can treat anything from sciatica, back problems, headaches, insomnia, allergies, eczema, asthma, autism, sleep apnea and more.


teeth-healthWe take great pains to maintain optimal oral health, we brush and floss regularly, we use fluoride-free toothpaste, have regular dental check-ups, avoid amalgam fillings and do oil-pulling. We spend countless hours teaching and coaxing our children to brush their teeth. We avoid sugary drinks and acidic foods. We spend a lot of time and money on oral hygiene to avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and more. Teeth grinding can cause many problems, especially when it comes to chronic bruxism. So let’s nip it in the bud before our teeth are ground down to nubs. Stress, anxiety, mineral deficiency, parasites, teeth alignment and cranial structure can all contribute to teeth grinding. Treating it naturally will leave a positive impact on your health. Next time you or someone in your family grinds your teeth, don’t forget to diffuse some lavender, cook up a big batch of bone broth, check whether there’s a full moon, and do some cranial work.

Smile and show off those pearly white teeth everyone! Hope this helps.

Dragon Slayer

About the author – Dragon Slayer is a mother of two children who are recovered from autism. She is the co-author of Autism Beyond the Spectrum, the vice-president of The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, and the co-founder of Brightstars – Life Skills For Exceptional Kids, a holistic school for children with autism, ADHD and learning challenges. She lives with her husband and children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For more blogs by Dragon Slayer, CLICK HERE.

* The information provided here is not to be construed as medical advice. Please consult with a medical practitioner to manage your health.
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45 Responses to Natural Remedies For Teeth Grinding: It’s Not Just Stress

  1. Flo says:

    Another possible issue is an inadequate airway when sleeping. Some think that the grinding can be a way of trying to open the airway. I just turned 60 and have all kinds of dental issues and sleep issues and I believe a lot of it has its beginning in my orthodontic treatment in the later 70s when my wisdom teeth were removed, I had some congenitally missing teeth and, most important to me, I had to wear headgear at night that pulled my maxilla back to line my teeth up nicely. Unfortunately, it’s given me a smaller mouth inside which gives my tongue too little room — especially when trying to drop into the all-important REM sleep. My first clue that THIS could be MY issue was the book by dentist Felix Liao, “Six Foot Tiger, Three Foot Cage.” My review is on 2/2/18.

    I DO think this is a very good article with many excellent ideas! Mine seems to be a majorly structural issue, first of all, and who knows how many more of these. Thank you!

  2. E T says:

    Has anyone mentioned the possibility of mouth breathing at night causing an airway issue being the cause of grinding your teeth? This can lead to ADHD symptoms and lack of energy during the day.

  3. Grinding is performed in order to remove from the enamel surface irregularities and microcracks. Thus, grinding the enamel helps reduce plaque and slows the formation of stones. In addition, grinding improves the overall condition of the enamel and is one of the preventive measures for the development of caries.

  4. Teresa Pacheco says:

    Have you tried sucking a dummy? I sleep with a mouth guard and a dummy, as the first does not stop my clenching. I end up half sucking and half biting the dummy but the dummy is soft so cushions the biting. Not a miracle solution but it gives me a bit of a break from furiously clenching my jaw all night long and waking up feeling exhausted, drained and in pain. And yes, I also take magnesium, plus only drink calming herbal teas, do yoga etc., which help a bit but not really. Tried hypnosis but that didn’t work at all for me. In desperation I thought of the dummy. If anyone has any other ideas, please share.

  5. JANE says:

    I grind my teeth. I’m been told by my sister countless of time. but I am not aware of me grinding my teeth at night.

    I’m scared, what can I do? . I don’t have any pains at all when I wake up.

  6. Will says:

    I find this directly related to mineral imbalance that has an affect on serotonin levels. In my case trying this theory out I tried with some success 5HTP. I looked into finding what co-factors were needed for serotonin production and had a variety of tests run including an HTMA to see where I was deficient. Once I started addressing my deficient co factors I was able to drop the 5HTP. But I was always on the edge of bruxism. Digging deeper thanks to antibiotics leaky gut was discovered and was also the source of a good deal of inflammation. The sum total I was not able to absorb the minerals and vitamins I was taking. Long story short mineral nutritional balancing will eliminate the inflammation allowing the digestive tract to heal and begin reabsorbing necessary nutrients. It is not an overnight fix by any means.

    • Kim says:

      What sort of doctor ran the tests and helped you figure this out? Glad you’re feeling better.

      • Fiona says:

        I had Great Plains do a Hair Analysis. I also had an Organic acid test done. Naturopath or Functional Medical Practitioner.

  7. Helen says:

    I have had Bruxism since I was around 6…I’m now 50…the trouble is I don’t just grind my teeth, I clench them incessantly which has caused a permanent headache in the centre of my forehead and in the last 10 or so years, pain in my temples and jaw.
    I was given the Hypochondriac title at the doctors and just wanted die when I was younger.
    I now have an upper denture due to clenching and grinding so hard that 6 back teeth became loose and had to be removed from the pain.
    I wasn’t aware of the Bruxism until a few years ago but my Mum said I complained of headaches from around 6 and I can remember waking myself up by the noise of the grinding.
    I am now so aware I am doing it,is it causing me such anxiety as I stop myself doing it hundreds of times a day!
    My neck is constantly painful and stiff and I cant concentrate well due to the neck, jaw and head pain.
    I have seen a Consultant at QA Maxilofacial who did Acupuncture and made a tooth guard with wire bobbles on it but I ground the bobbles off. No other tooth guard has worked either.
    I will be trying the minerals ASAP and will be mortified if I find I’ve done 44 years of hideous pain because of a deficiency!! Although fingers crossed it does work.

    • ProfessorTMR says:

      You might also want to try EFT as practiced by Nicholas Ortner in his book and film named The Tapping Solution. It can be VERY helpful in relaxing long-term tension. Good luck!

      • Helen says:

        I have tried that, although quite a while ago, I may look into it again some time…I have also got an appointment with a Hypnotist too which I am optimistic about. Many thanks for your reply 🙂

  8. Oh my God, your article is a life saver. I grind my teeth so much, even during my sleep and whenever i wake up my jaws hurt so much. I’ll be sure to try these remedies at home. Thank you so very much.

  9. Vickie says:

    Our 7 yr old just started this about a month ago – we did just move to NY and so he had quite a change – though a change he was looking forward too. It was, in my opinion, fairly bad at first, so we added the lavender and started the magnesium at night back up – we used to all drink the “sleepy water” and then just got off the habit.
    So now it is much better – we only let this go a week…
    He falls asleep quickly and peacefully, but at 1 am, for the past 4 days, the grinding starts back up. Thoughts?
    Liver activity? Clacuim I would thing would be fine – he is a yogurt lover…
    Thanks for any ideas!

  10. Marlene A Dublinsky says:

    Very informative. I will look into and try these remedies according to my affordability. I will start with calcium, magnesium and zinc supplements. I also know that I am vitamin D deficient. It was also interesting to read about the parasites. I am 57 and have been grinding my teeth during the day for 2-1/2 years. I think it is a movement disorder based upon meds that I have used. I am also under a lot of stress. I am willing to try some of what I have learned, here. Thank you!

  11. Susi Lee says:

    I only recently started cutting out sugar, gluten, wheat, and grains. My fatigue improved. I thought my fatigue was because of sleep apnea, but it had a lot more to do with food intolerance. I guess it can get worse as you get older.

    I wish I have known it sooner. I had massive cavities developed in the last two years because I moved out and started to eat out a lot and very irregularly. It was bad. It happened so fast I didn’t see it coming. I had always had teeth grinding but because my enamel was thick it wasn’t something urgent, but now that my tooth structure got weaken due to the cavities I realize teeth grinding can be such a big problem, especially when combined with other condition such as sleep apnea.

  12. Nabil Jama says:

    Teeth grinding can be prevented easily. By just wearing a mouth guard that you wouldn’t even notice. Dental duty is not expensive and very helpful.

    • AJ says:

      This is not always the case. Even with a custom mouth guard, I wake up with sore temples and jaw.

    • Chantel Van Rooyen says:

      I have a mouth guard and I grind with it. Just protects my teet but not my muscle. Suffer from chronic headaches and migraines every now and again.

    • Bridget says:

      This is not the case. Mouth guards will protect teeth but they do not stop the clenching and grinding. Even with the mouth guard I’ve had ongoing jaw problems related to my continued clenching while I’m sleeping. I’ve been treating this with chiropracty, massage and acupuncture. I’ve also just now increased my magnesium supplement to see if that will help stop the clenching. The mouth guard is necessary to protect the teeth, but it does absolutely nothing to stop the clenching and grinding.

  13. PT says:

    Hi, thanks for all, v informative! I was reading up on cell salts after being introduced to it by a friend. Is it possible to get Dr Schuessler’s cell salts here in Malaysia?

  14. Thank you for all this detailed information, written in a kind, supportive fashion! I’m looking forward to trying it — both for teeth grinding and for lifelong enamel deterioration problems.

  15. Aspecialist says:

    Teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety that causes health issue. Autism patients usually have this kind of behavior. This mannerism or behavior can be treated with the help of Naturopathy expert that uses natural remedies in treating their patients. This treatment is proven and safe. Please check this website or send them an email to

  16. ehlite says:

    Thanks for this informative article. I have a 2.8 yrs old son with Autism. Just about 3 mos ago, my son started to grind his teeth usually at day time. He does it either when he’s happy or very upset.He doesn’t like to brush his teeth so most of the time i’m just able to brush his front teeth then rinse with wet cloth. What’s your recommendation? By the way, we’re living in Bolivia and there’s no so much health stores here. Thank you very much. God bless

  17. Bebe says:

    Another factor in bruxism is medications, especially SS/NRIs. They deplete dopamine and cause movement disorders in some. I developed severe bruxism shortly after starting Zoloft (NOT taken for depression), but nobody knew of the correlation in the 1990s. The bruxism caused severe neck pain, for which I was disabled at age 39.

    Most neurological issues due to low dopamine (Parkinson’s, ADHD) have bruxism as a symptom.

    Just FYI.

    • ProfessorTMR says:

      Very interesting, Bebe! Thank you.

    • Tuulip says:

      It’s a shame that there is still so much stigmatism about mental health that you qualified your Zoloft use (NOT for depression). This is not a criticism of you, I have done the same myself! Just think it’s a sad reflection of the world we live in.

    • Tim says:

      Yes, I’m with you. I’m 43 and was diagnosed with ADHD. My bruxism started once I started taking adderall. I switched to Vyvanse hoping that would help but it has not. I clench during the day and not at night. I’ve done hours and hours of research and nobody has a fix! I’m taking magnesium and calcium, and am even trying Bcomplex. So far nothing. I do also take 20mg lexapro but had no problems until I started taking stimulants. To be honest the lexapro has never felt to have done anything. I’m so desperate I’m stopping the lexapro for a while. I feel so much better on Vyvanse that I am not willing to cut that out at this point. I am very frustrated that nobody seems to have an answer. I did not know about the himmalean salt sole and will look into that. If anybody has any recommendations, please email me at

      • ProfessorTMR says:

        Be careful with Lexapro withdrawal! I’ve had friends who had a terrible time with that. The withdrawal symptoms can be worse than the reasons you took it in the first place. You might be interested in Kelly Brogan’s book “A Mind of Your Own,” about natural ways to address depression.

        Please consider EFT (I recommend Nicholas Ortner’s book and film The Tapping Solution) to alleviate stress that can exacerbate bruxism.

  18. Catherine says:

    I have tmj, and bruxism. I am 22 and have been following an osteopath for 2 years. Ive been wearing a splint for 3-4 years. My dog ate my splint, and so i had to get another one made, which is quite costly…one year later (today) i made the same mistake and my dog snatched it, AGAIN! I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to forget about the splint and just see my osteopath and work on my stress, monitor my mineral intake closeley

    • Dee says:

      I was a tooth grinder for years, i have the distinctive shorter teeth, got worse during periods of stress but it was pretty much all the time. For me it all stopped when i had my hair tested for nutritional deficiencies – magnesium, calcium, zinc all too low. Lead was way too high. I’d explore deficiencies.

      • melody sagun says:

        so u mean to say that bruxism is treatable?

      • Fiona says:

        Yes ! I had TMJ and hadn’t a clue why. I had a Hair Analysis and Organic Acids tests done and faced imbalances I was never aware of plus some heavy metal toxicity that needed clearing out. No more TMJ. I was also exposed to mold mycotoxins on several occasions, now I am very careful not to live in very old, water damaged properties.

    • Nick Yakos says:

      Take a look at GrindReliefN. Its a less costly device but works just as good or better than what you would get at the dentist. If your dog snatches it again it won’t break the bank.

  19. Larissa says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this article, I’m 19 years old and have been grinding my teeth for a long time. Much appreciated. Thanks for the help!
    Xoxo – Larissa. 😁

  20. Li says:

    Where can you find colloidal phosphates for toothaches?

  21. Rain says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I am so grateful for you relating your journey with bruxism here. Bruxism is something I have also given much time and thought to, and I appreciate following a fellow mom’s journey through these trials… I feel your pain! Two little pieces of the puzzle I would like add for some thought from my personal journey with both being a long-time sufferer as well as a mom pained by the sound of her child’s teeth grinding… 1) consider food sensitivities (I suddenly stopped my life-long grinding of teeth when I quit eating wheat/gluten almost 15 years ago) and my daughter stopped grinding her teeth when we cut out soy; and #2 is a question for pondering)…could a small amount of tooth grinding be beneficial to creating denser teeth just as weight bearing exercise is beneficial for bone density? I don’t know, but it is something I have wondered in my bruxism wonderings… Thank you again. Blessings.

  22. A very comprehensive article on remedies for teeth grinding. This is totally beneficial for all those struggling with the same situation you stated here. Those natural tips are positively safe and cheap that’s why I definitely recommend it. I just wanted to add additional cure, consider wearing a night guard. It will not only protect your teeth from further damages while you sleep, it will also reduce the force reaching your teeth. Have it custom-molded so it fits over your teeth perfectly.

  23. teb says:

    Thank you for sharing! My 5yr old son just started grinding his teeth & I have been wondering what could be the cause/solutions. Now we have a starting place.

  24. Pingback: Pink Himalayan Salt: Make Your Own Sole - The Thinking Moms' Revolution

  25. Pingback: Pink Himalayan Salt: Make Your Own Sole | Spectrum Mum in Malaysia

  26. Nicole says:

    I’ll tell you why we are obsessed with getting calcium from milk: USDA analysis of foods has essentially nothing to do with how much of any nutrient is in the food. These numbers are old, our soil is depleted, and the calcium is usually absent or in trace amounts only. On top of that, there are six different groups of calcium compounds we need to ingest. Most of us get one, maybe two, on a regular basis. This means that some organs are not getting enough calcium in the form they need it, which is as good as not getting any. Even in milk, the calcium is not what is claimed or what we expect. If it is not in the soil, it is not in the feed, and if it is not in the feed, it is not in the animal, or her milk. Add to this the fact that grain-fed cows are going to have very acidic body chemistry because they are designed to eat green forage, not corn. The acidity would kill a cow if her body did not chemically buffer it, which uses up… calcium supply!

    And there is one more factor in all this: colloidal phosphates. Minerals in healthy crops and healthy animals and people are best used in a form called a colloid. This is NOT the colloid of “sea minerals” and they are not ionic, either. They are super-nano particles in which many different elements are grouped, but not bonded in what I have heard described as “little universes” because they are orbiting like planets around each other. Long story short, colloidal phosphates are what your bones and teeth are made of. They need no digestion, and even as a dry powder will disappear into your skin as you rub it in, and benefit the body wherever you put it. Child teething? Have a toothache? I just apply this stuff to the closest part of the sufferer’s face and the pain is gone. But that’s just the obvious effect. The tooth is receiving what it needs to be able to grow, remineralize and/or heal. Same for bones, joints, bumps and bruises. Nothing short of amazing.

  27. Mica says:

    I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this article and the information contained within it. Gratitude and hope, Mica

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