Thinking Out Loud: Interview with Laura Hirsch

texAfter reading the book The Other Side of Autism, I felt compelled to contact and interview Laura Hirsch. The book has been one of the most impactful books I’ve read in the last year, and I highly encourage our readers to read it. Listen in as she explains how her book came to be – it’s a fascinating story about her child, causes of autism and channeling information through psychic mediums Michael and Marti Parry.

Please leave a comment on the blog if you would like to win a free copy of the book! One winner will be chosen at random!

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16 Responses to Thinking Out Loud: Interview with Laura Hirsch

  1. Sathya says:

    Good article, I would like to explore the energy healing protocols for curing autism.

  2. Caren says:

    I’m an educator of students on the spectrum. Teach me.

  3. Sharon S says:

    We need more information from the other side because we can’t do it from this side! Something we are doing has been changing and weakening our neurological systems and it seems like each generation is affected more then the generation before them

  4. Pingback: Energy Healing for Autism | The Thinking Moms' Revolution

  5. Lucio Alfaro says:

    I have a grandson 18 years old, I have always said that their disturbance can only be cured by the power transmission of your Mom or in this case through causal forces that are there around us but we can not see. Maybe tris book has the cure.
    Congratulations for your spirit.

  6. Kathy SERAVALLI says:

    Sounds really interesting! Can’t wait to read the book:)

  7. Laura Hirsch says:

    Thank you all so much for your supportive comments! It is so nice to see some like minded Thinking Moms! We will be choosing the winner of the book give away on Monday! XO

  8. Diana says:

    As someone who has glimpsed the other side, I feel this book is so important! Mediums are interpreters for the less intuitive but I believe with every step you take toward the collective soul or universe or God if you will, that you can sharpen that gift within us all. This book will be an important step for many! ♥

  9. Oh wow!! I HAVE to read this book!!! We have had some AMAZING experiences with messages from the other side in relation to family and friends that have passed along with my own personal experiences with clairvoyance. This sounds like an amazing book and a must-read!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  10. Zorro says:

    Very intriguing! We had some interesting experiences with a cranial therapist who was very intuitive. Can’t wait to learn more.

  11. Jan says:

    WOW I’m so intrigued and right up my alley as well. Can’t wait to read the book!!

  12. Chelsea says:

    I cannot wait to read this book! It looks fantastic – I strongly believe in mediums <3 and recovery.

  13. Susan Tiemann says:

    What a wonderful collaboration ~ can’t wait to read this book! I hope it inspires others to collaborate this way. Congratulations!

  14. Midela says:

    Ordered book today! Looking forward to reading it. I’m so glad I joined your blog. Thank you!!

  15. Becky H-A says:

    I definitely need to read this book, right up my alley! Thanks for sharing your find (and a copy with someone).

  16. Robin L says:

    The book seems so interesting to me as I have been having many different angel messages coming into my life lately. When going through recovery I always laid my hands on my son and asked for healing, help and guidance. Especially from our own family and friends who have crossed to the other side. I felt their presence and care and will forever be thankful!

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