Thinking Out Loud: Tex and Temple

TexTemple Grandin. She needs no introduction. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know her as the most famous person with autism in the world. She was voted into Time’s top 100 most influential people in the category of “Heroes.” She was portrayed by Claire Danes in the biographical HBO movie “Temple Grandin,” and she is an author of many books on both autism and animal behavior. How on earth did lil’ ol’ me score an interview with her during a tour for her new book release? I’m not sure I fully understand that either. I’m just grateful for the time I was given to chat with her. I hope you all enjoy the interview as much as I did. Scroll down below and leave comment for your chance to win a copy of her new book “The Autistic Brain” and a copy of our own book “The Thinking Moms’ Revolution.” The runner up with receive copies. Be sure to leave your email address!!!

If you are unable to view the above video, please click here. Alternatively, please copy and paste this url on your web browser

~ Tex

* For more blogs by Tex click hereFor more Thinking Out Loud videos, please click here.
TMR’s Temple Grandin Giveaway:
This contest is a random drawing. The first name drawn will receive a hardcopy of Temple Grandin’s new book “The Autistic Brain: Thinking Beyond the Spectrum” as well as a copy of “The Thinking Moms’ Revolution: Autism Beyond the Spectrum”. The second name drawn will receive copies of each book.

TMR Book Cover Finalthe autistic brainHow to Enter:
Leave a comment/reply below about today’s interview OR about how Temple Grandin has inspired you or someone you know. Be sure to include your email address!!!! Each valid comment is the equivalent of one entry into the drawing.

1. This contest is open to residents of the 50 United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
2. No founding member of Thinking Moms’ Revolution or their household is eligible to enter.
3. Winners will be selected by random drawing.
4. Contest ends Wednesday May 15 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time.
5. Winners will be announced on Thursday May 16 and will be contacted via email to arrange prize delivery. Contest winners will have 48 hours to respond to their notification email and claim their prize. New winners will be selected for prizes not claimed within 48 hours.
6. Only entries with valid email addresses will be considered eligible.
7. Comments/replies not approved for public posting on the TMR blog will be considered ineligible for the drawing.
8. TMR reserves the right not to post comments considered inappropriate, crude, or disrespectful.
9. The first place prize books will be shipped via Media Mail through the US postal service. Second place prize books will be sent through to the winner’s email address. An account may be required to receive the second place prize. The second place prize is subject to any and all regulations and procedures.


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137 Responses to Thinking Out Loud: Tex and Temple

  1. KERRY SELLERS says:

    Ok, I just posted a comment, but I’m not sure if it worked, so I’ll say it again! Thank YOU T!!! You and Temple just gave me a push! My lil guy will be going to the movies and restaurants with us a lot now! Plus, he’ll be doing a lot more at home!! Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!! AWESOME!! muah!!! xoxoxoxo

  2. KERRY SELLERS says:

    Thank you so much T!! This is an awesome interview, you and Temple just gave me the push to push my lil guy harder at home. I don’t generally take him to restaurants or the movies, but that is something I’m going to start doing!! I am also going to start doing some things differently at home!! THANK YOU!!! 🙂 XOXOXO

  3. Lori Malone says:

    I loved this interview with Temple Grandin! I read her book, “Thinking in Pictures” years ago and learned so much about autism. My daughter has high-functioning/Asperger’s and it helped to know some of the problems we could help her with. I can’t wait to read this new book!

  4. Mary Elaine McKnight says:

    Thanks Tex! I know I’m a little late on this one but always so amazing to hear Temple speak. I cant wait to read her book 🙂

  5. jill says:

    i learned so much simply by listening to this interview… i’ve got work to do! thank you for sharing.. looking forward to reading the book and helping my little boy get along better in this world

  6. jill says:

    it is amazing how such simple information can be totally overlooked.. i love that i gained new insight simply by listening to this interview. i’ve got work to do!! thank you

  7. Francie Sonksen says:

    Temple Grandin has enlightened us so much over the years about autism! Thank you for making this interview available.

  8. Pingback: Thinking Out Loud – Anesthesia and Autism | The Thinking Moms' Revolution

  9. Pam Bezemer says:

    What an inspiration Temple Gradin is to me. I recently watched her movie and was so inspired by her and her mother’s bravery. I would love to read the book.

    • deborah hoelper says:

      My son and I met Temple Grandin @ an autism conference @ Lasalle . She amazed me as she took the time to be Photographed with my son but also discussed his job opportunities. Thank you Temple, Josh got a job for the summer doing landscaping work … something he loves.

  10. melissa says:

    Love temple and tex! nice job, Tex!!!

  11. Kelly O says:

    That was a great interview!

  12. Temple Grandin has inspired me plenty, but more importantly she’s inspired my daughter. She is proud when she hears about Temple and her great contributions to society and to animals.

  13. Julie says:

    Great interview! Awesome blog can’t wait to read the books.

  14. Heather King says:

    Hi Kim,
    Thanks so much for posting this! My son has Autism. I’m a big fan of Temple’s and have most of her books. I love hearing her speak and the movie about her life is so inspiring! I’m excited to read her latest book. She is just amazing! Thanks for having this giveaway and for ALL you for for our families! xoxox

  15. K-Rae Shaulis says:

    Absolutely incredible!!! I absolutely LOVE Temple Grandin. I’m a Music Therapy major in my Senior year aiming to work with individuals with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders in the future. Temple is an inspiration and has paved the way for understanding individuals with Autism. Thank you SO SO much for conducting and posting this interview! It’s been really reaffirming- I’m sure that I’m in the right major and working with the right population of incredible individuals!

  16. Amy Smith says:

    Love TMR posts, great interview with Temple! Thanks for giving all of the TM a voice!

  17. martha bernardi says:

    have always been an admirer of Temple and thank you for the amazing interview!

  18. Shelley West says:

    Great questions. She’s so insightful. I’m excited to read about the research that they talk about in the book.

  19. I’m so glad my computer finally allowed me to watch/listen to the interview. Temple is truly amazing and I’m continuously learning from her. Sensory issues are a huge issue here so I’m glad to hear her talk so much of the need to learn about them and work to improve them. We had huge improvement with fish oil and I truly believe almost everyone (minus those with allergies/etc) should take it…glad to hear her mention it!

    Maybe I should send this interview to family/friends/school personnel 🙂

  20. MyLinda Solley says:

    Again, The Thinking Mom’s Revolution brings us great information and inspiration. Thank you!

  21. Gladys Lizarraga says:

    This is such a great interview! Really informative. I guess I am one that has been leaving under rocks because this is the first time I hear Temple Grandin speak! I am definitely going to watch the movie & read the book!

  22. Laurie Fagan says:

    Great interview! I’ve heard her before, and she’s always very insightful!

  23. Jessica McGuire says:

    A truly fascinating person with so much the world needs to hear. Thank you.

  24. Jeanette Carman says:

    Being fairly new to this Autism journey this interview opened my eyes to a number of things. It is so important for me to be able to better understand her, I feel like this has helped in a number of ways. I cannot wait to read both books in hopes of learning how to help my baby girl. Wonderful interview. Thank you!

  25. Daniella Murphy says:

    Great interview! Would love a copy of this book!

  26. Atha Phillips says:

    Great job! Temple is fascinating!
    I really enjoyed the interview!!

  27. Julianne Boise says:

    Great interview with insightful questions ! As the Mom of two young men on (different levels of) the autistic spectrum, I certainly appreciate her insight in “uneven skills”.

  28. Thanks for doing this interview.

  29. Dawn Sander says:

    love to hear the dedication to sensory issues. Temple Grandin is such a warrior for our kids.

  30. Toosweet says:

    I LOVED this interview! Thank you! I have heard Temple Grandin speak at a conference a couple of years ago! She and her mother were an inspiration to me then and still today! I have all of her books (except this one). I love her suggestions and all of her insight!

    I choose to work weekends so that I can homeschool my son. He is 11 years old and was diagnosed as severly impaired. His school was not meeting his needs despite his IEP. Once I began homeschooling him and his siblings he has blossomed. I have been able to bridge so many gaps by focusing on his weaknesses and nurturing his strengths. We recently had him tested and he is at grade level, he is an artist, plays the piano, loves numbers, calculating, calendars, and knows amazing geography facts. I am proud of where he is. And can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this book for more insight and information from an expert!

  31. Planetpj says:

    The first time I heard about Temple Grandin was when the movie starring Claire Danes came out. It really made me change how I was raising my son. He is learning life skills every day and has lots of household responsibilities. I credit Ms Grandin for that reminder that kids can learn skills whether the are special needs or not.

  32. John Haataja says:

    Temple Grandin teaches us to be optimistic and hopeful in a very trying situation. Thank you.

  33. Ashley says:

    Listening to Temple Grandin speak gives me empathy for my son, who has ASD and suffers from sensory issues. Hearing her describe how some cotton can be itchy makes me think back to a quote I read of hers explaining how the seems in her pants felt like fire burning her skin. She has a way of saying things that really stick with me as a parent trying to navigate the world of my nonverbal child. She’s also inspired me to get my son to “help” walk the dogs! It’s never too soon! Fabulous interview.

  34. Thinkingmominthedesert says:

    Temple is so so right-we can’t assume that these kids are incapable!!!! We must ALWAYS presume competence!!! And every so often, reevaluate where we are and what we can change to increase the childs all-around functioning & general life/daily living skills.
    Quick story—My son’s 1st gr teacher opened my eyes one day when I picked him up from school. I greeted him & proceeded to grab his hand as usual as we walked away both saying goodbye. She asked, “Why r u holding his hand?” I laughed nervously & said, “Um, that’s just what I always do.” So she says, “He is not a 3yr old, inattentive, unaware, flight risk anymore u know!” I quickly thought about it & replied honestly, “Yeah, I know…it’s just…I really like to hold his hand.” And then what she said next really stuck with me:
    “In school, I cant hold hands with all 10 kids even if I wanted to. I love them all and I wish I could but THOSE THAT ARE CAPABLE MUST walk beside me, stay on line, & follow my verbal directions. And u know what? He can do it! He does great!”
    Wow!!! I reexamined everything & realized that there certainly were things that I WAS DOING that held him back. And that’s when I put what I preach into practice. I don’t ever decide MYSELF whether or not he could do/try something. My motto became: ‘How will HE ever know what he is capable of unless WE give HIM the opportunity to find out!?!?’
    And so I attribute much of my son’s recovery to the simple fact that- “we went everywhere & anywhere and we did everything & anything!” We made accommodations as needed but slowly & surely over time, with practice & consistency, those became minimal & then eventually unnecessary. Temple’s opinions & suggestions are invaluable & I think a lot of families will benefit from taking her advice!

  35. Ashley Augustine says:

    Awesome giveaway! I can’t wait to see the interview when I get to my pc

  36. Elizabeth Struyk says:

    As a grandmother of an 8 yr. old boy with ASD and LGS, it was a real inspiration to hear Dr. Temple Grandin’s interviev about autism, My grandson is a very good reader and he loves science and also loves music. He is not good at math. He is in 3rd grade, special ed, class and his teacher is awesome. Temple touched on sensory issues which is a real thing with these children and I have noticed that with my grandson. These children need to be out in the community and learn skills like helping mom shop tor groceries. We need to be advocates for these children and help the community accept them. These children are very smart. I could go on and on. I love my grandson.,

  37. Teresa says:

    Temple Grandin has inspired me to be an educated, proactive mother to my son who has autism! I recently saw her at a conference and I learned so much from her!

  38. Melisa McNabb says:

    Thank you so much for the interview!!!! It really solidifies my belief that I need to teach my girls ALL of these life skills now; when they are young!!!! I pray that they can enter the adult world with some good morals, ethics and work skills that will take them further than anyone would think was possible! Thanks again and keep up the great work that you do!!!

  39. Judith Haataja says:

    Great video Grandin has given all of us hope with our dear children

  40. Lori Bookout Apple says:

    I loved what she had to say about getting kids out in the workforce and teaching social skills! Great message for ALL teens and parents. She is so easy to listen to and such an inspiration. Bless you Tally and all of the other Thinking Moms for bringing awareness to the forefront!!!!

  41. Karen R says:

    That was awesome! So glad to hear she feels there needs to be more work done in the sensory arena, and agree 100% that kids need to develop life skills and work ethic!

  42. Erin T. says:

    My mother, as a occupational therapist, was extremely inspired by Temple while working with kids with autism. Now as mom of a child with ASD, I also find her work very insightful and inspiring. Love Temple and what a great interview Tex!

    • Tex says:

      Thank you Erin! Amazing how Temple has inspired generations. I’m pretty confident she’ll continue to inspire for generations to come. Good luck in the drawing!

  43. Julie says:

    Great interview! Loved her comments and information! Thank you so much for doing this wonderful interview! Love what she had to say about stretching our kids!!

  44. Mandy says:

    What a great interview! I’ve listened to it twice already. I love the advice Temple gives for high functioning autistic kids. She definitely sparked a light for me on how I need to top enabling my HFA son and give him more responsibility. I was also fascinated by the categories she listed for kids on the spectrum. My son falls into 2 of those categories where he does extremely well (7th grade math level, factoid/history/ crazy memory skills), however he is below average/borderline deficient in visual processing and really struggles with that. Hearing Temple talk about it was the first time I have heard anything about it outside of his initial assessment/test results. Thank you for all of the brilliant questions you asked. Some I had wondered about, others I wouldn’t have even thought to have asked.

    • Tex says:

      STOKED to read your comments. WOW! So glad this interview struck a chord for you. Read the book as soon as you can. If you don’t win Thursday – run right out and buy it. I think you are exactly who it was written for.

  45. Nicole L. says:

    HOPE…this interview gives me hope for my dear son with ASD. Thank you.

  46. Rebecca says:

    Thank you so much for conducting this interview. I have seen Ms. Grandin speak twice in person and I am always interested to hear what she has to say. I loved the part where she admitted that she had been wrong, with complete matter-of-factness. What a great social skill we should all be so quick to use. I have a picture with her and my daughter. It is a treasure to me.

  47. Lynn Mulder says:

    Temple is an inspiration to families living with autism. Treatment and healing are possible and Temple is living proof!

  48. Claudia says:

    Thank you, Tex and Dr. Grandin, for a wonderful interview. She is a true bright light for our community. I look forward to reading her new book, and I certainly hope she can find the time to read the TMR book!

  49. As always it’s a pleasure to hear Temple speak. I love the her ideas on sensory issues, my Alex is sensitive to sounds so i will be trying the desensitizing she mentioned
    ! Thank you TMR from bringing this to us, you rock Tex!

  50. joy says:

    that was great! Loved it!

  51. Julie Leonardo says:

    I love Temple because she is a high functioning person with Autism who acknowledges the physical issues and the necessity for some intervention on a biomedical level. She bridges the gap between us “curebies” and the neurodiversity crowd. She speaks for just about everyone. Temple is amazing!

    • Tex says:

      I’m grateful she bridges that gap as well. I’m glad there is someone we can all relate to regardless of which camp we choose to plant our feet in.

  52. Fay says:

    I first saw Temple speak at a conference and she spoke of how alternative comunication devices could help our kids. From that day forward my son has had a “voice” of hos own by way of acc and it changed our lives giving us hope of future.
    In this interview it is wonderful to hear how the thinking and research has evolved. Temple’s excitment is wonderfully infectious. Her reminders to get our kids out and working as well as life skills are invaluable.

    • Tex says:

      Yes. I agree. She makes some great points about needing to stretch them and focus on their strengths. I think you’ll enjoy her book. Be sure to buy it if you don’t win the giveaway.

  53. Genevieve Moyer says:

    Wow! I haven’t thought about some of things mentioned! Thanks for asking such great questions. I’m glad Dr. Grandin mentioned kids getting jobs and learning basic self-help stuff. It kinda helped reinforce, for me, that I need to keep pushing my son to do things now that I want him to get down on his own, say 5 years from now. He’s only 10 now, but I gotta start early to get him to know how to do some things when he’s a teenager…
    Thanks again!

  54. Kristen Seidenstricker says:

    This interview was so encouraging and inspiring. I am the mother to 4 adopted and autistic children. Temple’s success story gives me such hope for my children . We run a social/work-based program out of our house for our children and have done so for a period of about two years. We have seen remarkable results and are encouraged by the tremendous progress our kids have made. Thank you for this interview Tex and Temple.

    • Tex says:

      You sound like quite an inspiration yourself! 4 adopted kids on the spectrum? WOW! What a remarkable mom you are. Stay in touch with us at TMR. Maybe go to our FB page and message us more about your program?

  55. Kathleen Helppi says:

    I enjoyed the interview and the big reminder to keep giving opportunities for our kids to grow with real life experiences! I have found that it is great advice. I look forward to reading both books in the near future even if I am not the lucky winner!

    • Tex says:

      You win either way b/c you’re going to read both books regardless. But good luck in the drawing anyway!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 <3

  56. Gail says:

    Temple Grandin is just amazing! I have 2 incredible children with autism, and knowing Temple Grandin’s incredible achievements give our family hope for the future for our kids. Thank you Temple Grandin!

  57. Jennifer Anderson says:

    This is a great interview! I must be the only person in the world that hasn’t seen any of Temple Grandin’s work before. I’ve previously only seen her name mentioned briefly. I’m so glad to have seen this interview because it brought her to my attention, and I realize I should check out her material. I definitely want to look more into her work in learning styles which I have been very curious about anyway, ad we d our best for our boy by unschooling and following his lead, but there are some areas I would like to find ways to make more understandable for him. I think the only way to do that is to better grasp the way he thinks and learns.

    • Tex says:

      Must. Rent. Temple Grandin. Immediately!!!! If you don’t win the drawing – be sure to purchase “The Autistic Brain” as soon as possible. I think you can skip “Thinking in Pictures”. She’s said it’s “wrong”.

  58. Nina says:

    Completely inspirational!

  59. Julie Sando says:

    Thalia, Thank you for asking such perfect questions! It’s not often enough that we get to hear someone like Temple Grandin speak about her experiences. She always sheds such great insights. Your questions were absolutely perfect! Great job! Thank for doing all that you do!

    I loved what Temple said about finding the balance between incorporating real life work and social skills with the sensitivity of the sensory system. So important!!

  60. Alicia says:

    What a great interview! Thank you!

  61. Mere H says:

    Great interview! I just adore her for her passion. The first time I heard Dr. Grandin speak was at the CDC…. ahhh, the irony!

  62. Donna Sheffield says:

    I recognized my precious grandson in so many of Dr. Grandin’s comments. How great would it be for her books (and TMR’s book) to be required reading for the educators who interact with our children?

  63. Chastity McWhirter says:

    Good job Tex! Temple Grandin is such an inspiration to many! This was a great interview 🙂

  64. Jaime says:

    Tex, thanks for conducting and sharing this interview.

    Dr. Temple Grandin is so full of knowledge, both learned and lived. Her life has gave my family hope and we will forever be grateful and thankful.

  65. Vanessa Willis says:

    Dr Grandin has educated us and we are grateful!

  66. Szontaghe says:

    She is able to show that kids on the spectrum are not trying to be difficult or to be spiteful, just to cause problems. They are simply avoiding painful sensory issues or working around their deficits the best they can. This understanding can give all of us a different perspective on behaviors and this is why it is crucially important for educators, coaches, aunts and uncles to read her books.

    PS: Job well done Tex!

    • Tex says:

      Thank you.

      I think you will particularly enjoy this new book. It’s filled with great info on research into how the autistic brain works. Her chapter on sensory issues is really fascinating.

  67. Lauretta Lee says:

    Thank you Temple Grandin for being such a strong, amazing woman. You are an inspiration to me and my daughter.

  68. Charise Cole says:

    Brilliant interview!!

  69. Brandee Beckstrom says:

    Amazing interview! Way to go! Temple is such an inspiration and trailblazer!

  70. Meredith Redfern says:

    Thanks so much for the interview! As a mom of a child with autism I value most the opinions and thoughts of adults on the spectrum. Can’t wait to get my hands on her book!

    • Tex says:

      HA! Well good luck in the drawing then! If you don’t win on Thursday – you can certainly purchase a copy through Amazon or B&N.

  71. Kim W says:

    Interesting interview, thank you!

  72. Patricia Firkser says:

    Hola Thalia!
    Felicidades por la entrevista y gracias por compartirnos esta inolvidable experiencia. Es importante como padres estar siempre informandonos sobre las investigaciones y los logros que se dan sobre el Austismo y su espectrum. Como madre, es hermoso aprender y dar una calidad de vida tanto a la familia, comunidad y a ti misma. Temple Grandin es una inspiracion para mucha gente que esta lejos de entender el spectrum, y una admiracion para cualquier persona quien sabe luchar contra la corriente. Me hubiera gustado que la entrevista tuviera close caption, para que la gente con cualquier discapacidad pueda entender tu esfuerzo. Gracias por compartirlo!
    Hi Thalia!
    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing us this incredible experience. It is important as parents to be always informed about the last researches on the Autism Spectrum. As mom, is beautiful to learn and give a quality life to our family, community and ourselves. Temple Grandin is a Big Inspiration for many people who are so far to understand the spectrum. And she is an admirable person for any person who knows how to fight and “knock different doors” for your child. Closed Caption could be a great source to include on this interview; so many people who have different disabilities would be able to learn from your interview. Thank you! Patty

    • Tex says:

      What a fantastic idea Patty!!! I’ll look into it. TOL is just getting off the ground, so it may be a while, but I think CC is something to explore for the future. Gracias amiga!

  73. Meg N says:

    Temple, what an amazing example you are for our kids. I love yoyr insight regarding sensory issues and the way different minds work. I especially love your encouragement to get these kids out in the community and teach them work skills. Thank you for everything you have shared over the years. I can’t wait to read your new book.
    P.S. as a vegan, I sincerely appreciate your efforts to reform slaughter practices. You are just amazing!

  74. Sydney Moxley says:

    Great job, Tia!! <3

  75. stephanie says:

    Dr Grandin is such a valuable asset for those affected by autism. I’ve read all of her books and after hearing her speak as well ax meeting her several times her words of expertise have been more than helpful and are inspiring to say the least. I appreciate your post of your interview with her….great way to start my Monday…..full.of.hope. Keep thinking thinkers!

  76. Adrienne Paradis says:

    Love Dr. Grandin! She is so inspirational and gives me hope for my son. Her mother is my hero – she epitomizes the Thinking Mom!

  77. Natalie McClay says:

    Great interview & Temple gave some fab insight into the mind of children with autism.
    I like the fact that she recognises the need for biomed too 🙂

    • Tex says:

      YES!!!! Her openness to biomed was so gratifying to me. If I interview her again – I may pursue more of her thoughts on that.

  78. Michelle D. says:

    Great interview! Temple is amazing and I’m looking forward to reading this book.

  79. My husband and I happened upon the Temple Grandin HBO movie the day after we got our son’s diagnosis. Her ability and willingness to articulate what it’s like to have autism and to advocate for autism awareness and understanding have heavily influenced the way we’ve dealt with life with our son ever since. My son and I are reading Thinking in Pictures together–an odd bedtime story, I know, but it helps him to know he’s not alone.

  80. SavageTMR says:

    Loved this interview–her perspective is amazing!!

  81. david greenwood says:

    Have several of Temple’s books, have met her when she was giving a speech while on book tour at our local animal humane society. good interview.

  82. Stacy says:

    Temple Grandin’s life story is an inspiration for all parents of children with autism, and thinking of her has brought us to tears of both hope and sorrow many times as we parent our sweet boy. I haven’t read either of these books, and I would love to get my hands on them!

  83. Heather says:

    Temple inspired me to better parent to care for my sons with autism.

  84. Mere Vargas says:

    Love the interview! Great information.

  85. Michelle Key says:

    Simply amazing. Words escape me.

  86. Kim C says:

    I really enjoyed your interview, Tex. I had never heard of Temple Grandin the person or the movie. I am glad to be aware of her and her important work she has done and continues to do with regards to autism research.
    I am a family child care provider/holistic health coach who is becoming more and more aware each day of autism and chronic illnesses that plague children, by following your blog, as well as other blogs, and researching on my own to help the families in my care. I am over halfway through the TMR book and am in awe at what each family has been through and still going through to recover their kids.
    Thank you for taking the time to interview Temple, and to put this out there for us to learn from.
    Regards, Kim

    • Tex says:

      Thanks Kim! Your comment warms my heart. It’s good to know TMR is reaching people and changing lives. Please rent and watch the movie “Temple Grandin” when you get a chance. Claire Danes is absolutely brilliant. Great flick.

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