Two Words

GoddessJust about this time last year, when Harry was four, we got our first consistent word. Fast-forward to now, and a year of intense healing gone by, and we finally, finally, have two words together.  At five.

I deliberated and debated typing that sentence for the past few days for fear the moment I typed it, the words would disappear.  He said, “Mama, HA!” (for help) the past 6 days.  I know he said “help” because he has needed help and has signed help while saying it each time.  And even if it is not toally clear, I’m counting it.

Today he wanted to play with the DVD player.  I keep the stack of movies up high and out of reach  because he doesn’t like to pick one and watch it.  He likes to pick one, put it in, make me press the menu button on the dvd remote, take a lightsaber and point to what he wants (trailers, sneak peeks, bonnus features) on the menu.  The DVD player sits on a bank of built-ins, and he is just little enough that if he presses the remote, the player does not sense it.  So I have to do it.  This can go on as long as you let it.  It gets old.  Fast.

Today I told him we were not going to do movies, but to instead play with cars or blocks.  He grabbed my hand, pulled me to the shelf where we keep the movies, signed “movie” while he said, “MMMMM” and then pointed up to the shelf with the DVDs, and said “UP.”   As in, PICK ME UP AND LET ME PICK A MOVIE ALREADY!

Well, OK then, I guess  you can have your movie, since you’re going to talk and all.

This went on for about a half hour, and each time he said “help,” or “up,” or attempted the M for movie, I followed his directions.  And as over the moon as I am that he is finally, finally, finally (dare I say it?) starting to speak (please please please do not let this week be a fluke), and I much as I want to scream this major accomplishment as I have wanted it for so long, what I have wanted and wishedhopedprayedlonged for was nothing compared to the look of satisfaction on his face.  I never contemplated that.

I can see that the connection—that speech is important; why speech is important-is finally there.

He finally, totally gets it.

All the words he can read, all the directions he follows, the amazing receptive gains he has made are all about to be unleashed on the world.  As as I much as I cannot wait for this, to see what gains his fifth year brings, I think there may actually be one person that wants it more than me. And maybe, just maybe, that will make all the difference.

Harry two words







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17 Responses to Two Words

  1. Thinkingmominthedesert says:

    Beautiful! I know that facial expression. I know that look. That’s the look when the lightbulb goes off!! Hahaha My son’s light bulb went off around 4yo and then the two words together became consistent around 4.5 yo. It is not a fluke. If he can do it once he can do it twice and thrice and many many more times. So use every opportunity possible, all day, everyday in as many different environments as u can. Some ppl say not to push for speech outside of therapy sessions as it may stress them out,etc. U know ur kid best. My son seemed to be performing those speech skills ONLY during therapy. What he really really needed was much practice adapting those speech&language skills to other aspects of life, different locations and when the therapist wasn’t there.

    My son was so quiet for soooo long. In hindsight, with all that I know now, about his personality and his learning difficulties, I know that during that time my son very much subscribed to the attitude “Well, since I can’t say it like THAAAT I’m just gonna use ways other than speaking to get my needs & wants met.” And thats what he did. He always would give it a good try. But it was not his preferred method. Turns out, right after he turned 5, and was finally using 3-4word phrases&sentences, he was able to participate in a more extensive/intensive speech evaluation. He was diagnosed with PPD (not PDD lol) Phonological Processing Disorder. It all made sense. (Thinkers are going to look it up right now) Ahhhh, answers! I knew we’d now be able to help him better in therapy and at home. And I was right. His speech/language/communication skills soared after that.

    He blew my mind when he began asking questions. He’d point to EVERYTHING IN SIGHT asking me “What is it?” in a very surreal way, as if he just arrived on earth. Lol The wonderful thing about that was he truly wanted the answer and once I told him, he NEVER forgot the words/names. Something else that used to happen often in the past was my son would ask/tell me something & I truly had NO CLUE what he was saying. How frustrating for him! But as his quality of speech improved, I’d somehow, someway, figure out the clues & get the message, even if it’d take me 3 days! (Seriously! lol) As we both got better, the message delivery gap got smaller and soon I’d find myself a few hours later, mid-whatever, stop and exclaim, “Ohhh I know what u were trying to tell me now!” or “OK now I understand, that’s what u said, right?” He’d laugh it off usually. But I’ll never ever forget the first time I quickly figured out what he was trying to tell me within just a couple mins. The frustration&disapointment on his face transformed to happiness as I began to understand him. He started jumping with excitement and screamed, “Yessss, Yessss, mommy u right!! That’s what I say!!” Like u said, when u see their faces beaming with excitement that we “get them”… nothing greater in the world!!

    • goddess says:

      you just made me cry….i love that. all of it. And looking up ppd right now. He is dx’d with apraxia. I think we are almost done with ‘autism’, to be honest, but the apraxia inhibits SO much.

  2. Diana Gonzales says:

    YAY! Since language is taking off here too I know EXACTLY how you feel! LoRenzo’s 1st words were actually “I love you, Mom-mom” He was 3 and couldn’t say anything else until last year at 6 despite the fact that he could read two grades above his age, still does. But when the speech comes for communicating wants and needs, soon follows speech for conversation! Don’t fear the setback, embrace the now and run with it! I’m so excited for you and Harry! <3

  3. Robyn says:

    Forget pictures, a word is worth a thousand words, from a non-verbal child. I have been there. Its such a wonderful sound.

  4. Mama bird says:

    God bless you and our family is sending many hugs to you! Keep it up little man!

  5. Danielle says:

    Congratulations!!! My fingers are crossed for you that this new development will stick!

  6. Lioness says:

    So fantastic!!!

  7. Kerri Rivera says:

    This is the year he loses his autism diagnosis…you have turned the corner. I am so happy for you and your family. Continued success in the road to recovery. xo

  8. Tina says:

    I’m so, so genuinely happy for you both! YAY!

  9. Chrissy says:

    So so so happy to hear that!

  10. Martina says:

    Sweet, so happy for you! Brought a big smile to my face. 🙂 And I can totally relate to the not wanting to jinx it in case it doesn’t happen again – it’s the pits when they do that!

  11. tracy weinstock says:

    We are so happy for you,

  12. Whole cow, that is a powerful post. I don’t want to jinx it for you so I’m not saying more.

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