B.K.’s Easter Hope

Booty KickerFor Christians all around the globe, today marks Easter Sunday, a day when we celebrate Our Risen Savior, who conquered sin and death and rose from the grave alive and victorious for all of eternity.

As a Christian, this means that by accepting this sacrificial gift, I will one day leave this world and its trials behind and live for eternity with Christ in Heaven, where there will be no more sadness, no more sickness, and no more death.

No matter what happens to my son on this earth, whether he recovers from autism or not, my hope lies in the fact that one day he WILL be made whole again – he will be healed and happy and no one will EVER be able to harm him again. It gives me great joy to think of him in the arms of my Savior and be healed. I can’t help but hope and trust that one day, he – and all of our children – will be seated at a special place of honor at the Lord’s table, reaping handsome rewards to make up for the things they have suffered here on earth. I believe that their eternal rewards will more than make up for the afflictions they have had to suffer here. 

That is where my greatest hope lies.  hope

Happy Easter. 



(If you are having trouble seeing this video, please use this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA_U11B1Ss8 )

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7 Responses to B.K.’s Easter Hope

  1. Rodrigo Marques says:

    WOW!!!! That really put things in perspective!
    Before Davi was born, we always prayed in first place for him to become a God’s real friend! With a real relationship!
    Sure we prayed for health and all sorts of dreams, but we never regret putting this in first place… Even after we discovered Davi is in the autistic spectrum…
    We need to give importance to the things that are REALLY important.
    Thanks for the inspiring post!

  2. Kathy says:

    Your absolutely right B.K. Because Christ has indeed risen, today we have hope that those of us who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior will see our children recovered. The future is bright 🙂

  3. Sunflower says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more BK. This is our great hope. One day, our children will come up to us and be able to have conversations with us, no more autism. They will say, “Thank you Mommy and Daddy for helping me, loving me and always believing in me.”

  4. Cat Jameson says:

    Beautiful message, B.K.!

  5. Yette Lewis says:

    Amen and amen!!! We have a future and a hope that nothing can shake. Happy Easter!

  6. Charise says:

    I send the “amen”. This was just what I needed to read today!

  7. Mama bird says:

    Amen!!! Praise God!

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