Watch the Video: Our Children’s Eyes

I have always been fascinated by our children’s eyes, by their expressions which often speak as loud as their silence and their sufferings. Before my son could communicate, the feeling that I couldn’t understand his *needs* and his *wants* kept haunting me obsessively. After all, wasn’t it my role to make sure he was safe and peaceful and happy in this world? All I kept thinking was “What if he’s in pain?” “What if he is hungry?” “What if he is scared, or anxious, or cold or . . . ?” I remember spending hours just watching him lost in his own little world, trying to figure out what he was thinking, trying to reach out to him, trying to “bring him home.”

This video is dedicated to all our children, to their strength, their courage and their bravery throughout their journey to recovery. Mostly, I want to dedicate it to their awakening. Because when we are finally able to “bring them home,” it will be like watching the rebirth of a soul ♥.



~ Prima

Produced and directed by Prima. If you are unable to view the video above, please click on this link: Our Children’s Eyes. For more videos by The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, please click here.

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14 Responses to Watch the Video: Our Children’s Eyes

  1. Hapoy New Year! Sharing ‘Our Children’s Eyes’ video.

  2. Karen Fuller says:

    Every time I hear that song. I tear up thinking about all of our children.

  3. Isabel says:

    I am crying now; really have to regroup.
    If only people would know what we go trough every single day with our kids, I am speechless.

  4. Lioness says:

    Simply beautiful.. Love it Prima!

  5. There is no doubt “autism” has affected the eyes. Our eyes are the window to our soul. I recently took my 23 year old daughter to a Hemispheric Integrative Specialist. During the examination of her eyes he asked me to come and look at what he was seeing. Normally your eyes are suppose to track smoothly as you look from one side to the other. My daughter’s eye movement included very tiny seizure like movement every time it moved. A few years back she was diagnosed with a vision processing disorder. She did excercises for a little while. This helped make her learning process easier. I believe the eye Dr’s can also be added to the list of Dr’s who have failed our kids. To this day there is no testing for this in schools. Could this play a part in the reading problems we see at school?
    This video was beautifully done and leaves us with much thought. Thank you:)

  6. Diana Gonzales says:

    Prima…what can I say? Youve captured it brilliantly visually, musically. I have been able for years now to pick out our children through their eyes, not a talent I really want. But the outrage I feel is overwhelming sometimes. You know, the look that “theyre talking to the Angels”? I just want it to be me. All I have his hope and shall cling to it desperately until that glazed, far away look is no longer by eradicating vaccines, GMOs and all the other crap the government deems is for the greater good.

  7. Donna Cordia says:

    Beautiful video, need to wipe my tears away & count my blessings.

  8. Guilded Thinker says:

    Well, there goes the eye make-up. Seriously, Prima. That. Was. Beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. Our kids are such beautiful souls.

  9. julie says:

    I’m dreaming with the day when I will try to take a picture of my son and he will be looking straight to the camera… One day, beautiful video!

  10. Sherrypda says:

    I wish every mom what I experienced just 2 days ago, which I consider the deepest spiritual connection I have ever felt! My daughter who at two years old wouldn’t even look at me when I danced for her (broke my heart, since my dream always was to share my love for dance with my girl), now at 6 years old when I turn on the music she won’t even let me sit down makes me dance with her looks me deep in the eyes with a smile full of love and adoration! From the bottom of my heart I wish all children will heal and leave us with enough strength to bring those bastards to justice who still deny the cause and rise in autism!

  11. Shiri says:


  12. Marco says:

    Thank you.
    Now to wipe off the tears and regroup…

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