CDC Whistleblower William Thompson Blows the Lid on Malfeasance and Fraud at the CDC

WhistleblowerA CDC whistleblower, publicly identified as William Thompson, recently contacted Brian Hooker, PhD, PE, described by Forbes magazine as a “vaccine industry watchdog,” to tell him about fraud he helped perpetrate with respect to a CDC study, Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta, he co-authored back in 2004.  This video tells the story.

BRIAN HOOKER, PHD, PEDr. Hooker has just published a reanalysis of the data published by the CDC in 2004.  The analysis reveals what the CDC has known since then, getting the MMR “on time” results in a greater than threefold increase in the risk that a male child of African descent will develop regressive autism.  As we’ve mentioned on this blog a number of times, a twofold risk is generally considered evidence of causation in a court of law.  If we were talking about any other class of drugs than vaccines, an African-American family whose son developed autism after receiving the MMR vaccine “on time” (meaning at the time (STILL) recommended by the CDC) could sue the manufacturer in civil court and win based on the evidence unearthed during this study.  The fact that well-known CDC scientists, such as Drs. Frank DeStefano, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, and Coleen Boyle, charged with the well-being of children, knew this more than 10 years ago and did NOTHING about it is unconscionable.

Updated with additional thoughts:  The researchers chose to arbitrarily eliminate children without a “valid Georgia birth certificate” from the study.  Conveniently for them, that made the strong correlation (the signal) disappear into the “noise.”  Coincidence?  I think not.  Who is most likely to not have a valid birth certificate?  The poor and underprivileged, disproportionately made up of minorities in this country, in other words, the people most likely to be undernourished and most susceptible to adverse reactions from any intervention.  What effect would this knowledge have on the “we must vaccinate the world in order to eradicate measles” campaign?  It would make the argument much more nuanced, wouldn’t it?  It might even bring the program to a screeching halt.  Yes, poor and disadvantaged children in Africa are the likeliest to die from measles, but they are also quite likely to develop regressive autism from measles vaccines.  In addition to the many cases of autism that these researchers allowed to happen in this country, it seems clear that we have been exporting a high rate of autism with our MMR vaccines to other countries.  It’s only a matter of time before those countries will realize that fact.     

Unfortunately, none of this is surprising to us here at TMR.  We have long known that CDC “scientists” cannot, as a group, have as poor an understanding of science as they have indicated on previous occasions.  We have long suspected, therefore, that they know much more than they will admit and deliberate deception must be involved.  We recently reported on similar malfeasance at the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

TMR members spoke with Leslie Manookian, writer and producer of the film The Greater Good, about their own experiences with vaccine injury at the 2013 Autism One conference.

Leslie ManookianLeslie recently spoke with Rob Dew, News Director of Infowars.

Here at TMR, we strongly recommend that all parents learn as much as they can about vaccines and adverse vaccine reactions before they allow their children to be vaccinated.  It is clear that there is no one associated with the vaccine program or the federal government who can be trusted to safeguard your children’s health.



~ Thinking Moms’ Revolution



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11 Responses to CDC Whistleblower William Thompson Blows the Lid on Malfeasance and Fraud at the CDC

  1. Prakash Rudraraju says:

    I want to protest to make people notice. I live in Bay Area, California. Anybody willing to join me? I can sit in front of City Hall with posters and educate as many people as I can.

  2. emma says:

    I read and listened to the video on Wm Thompson and I can hardly believe it. I’m so
    sorry for all the children the CDC has and continues to harm. Thank you for the job you are doing. I don’t have words to express my outrage.

  3. Katie says:

    I am floored by the lack of response to this from the media and the black community. This is enormous and NO ONE is reporting it.

  4. SB says:

    Sadly, because that video is narrated by Dr. Wakefield, many will not even listen. I have also noticed that many of the documents I have tried to read on Mr. Thompson have been pulled off the Internet. Hmmmm.

  5. Rachel says:

    Terrorism in the news (CNN etc.) 24/7. The worst terrorism seems to be happening to our children in our own country. Autism strikes 1 in 68 children, 1 in 42 boys.

  6. Pingback: CDC Whistleblower William Thompson Blows the Lid on Malfeasance and Fraud at the CDC | The Thinking Moms’ Revolution | Polymumof8's Blog

  7. EW says:

    I’ve never forgiven myself for my oldest. That ride home….the change was instant. I hope that this gets enough people out there researching, learning, discussing and getting angry enough to do something, other than let the media change their minds.

  8. Francois says:

    Now that evidence is coming out, I hope that these people in the CDC get sued and thrown in jail. Class actions against governments and big pharma need to start happening.

  9. Pingback: CDC whistleblower - CDC knew MMR autism risk in African American boys 4 times higher - Mothering Forums

  10. LB says:

    I have believed this all along despite repeated forms of information trying to convince me otherwise. Thank you all for keeping up the good fight. There are many more Thinking Moms like me out here, and know we support you.

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