Silent Sunday: Simple Pleasures




This Sunday I invite you to take a moment to indulge in some simple pleasures. Life can be so hectic that we forget to take care of ourselves. Sometimes just a moment of mindfulness, of being fully present in the moment can be so healing to our spirits.

These are a few of my favorite simple pleasures:


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What simple pleasures will you indulge in today?


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3 Responses to Silent Sunday: Simple Pleasures

  1. luvbugtmr says:

    Sleeping in an extra thirty minutes. Watching the snow fall. Getting a tad bit caught up on one or two things. Perhaps a nap???? hmmmmmmm….

  2. Cupcake TMR says:

    No time for simple pleasures today, but I am going in for a wax tomorrow! Bring on spring! 😉

  3. My simple pleasure, to stay in bed a little longer Sunday morn and read the paper and blog 🙂

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